Sunday, June 19, 2022


We become wise when-we share -what we know, we are humble enough to -admit -what we don't know; isn’t what we know -just the tip of an iceberg of -the universe of knowledge?

We live in the age of -

information abundance,

knowledge is -

only a click away.

there is-

lots of data,

lots of smarts,

lots of abilities,

lots of attitudes,

but very, very little wisdom.

Are you a wise one?

How can you -

capture wisdom?

Knowledge is about -

what you know,

wisdom is about-

admitting knowing-


unknown unknown,

in the life journey;

putting aside -

all the trained thoughts,

systems, boxes,

let the open possibility,

come to -

connect, naturally.

Wisdom is-

not knowledge;

one cannot have wisdom,

without knowledge,

one cannot substitute-

wisdom for knowledge.

Knowledge helps you-

figure out “how”;

the practices;

wisdom guides you -

through “why” -

the principles.

Wisdom is -

broader, abstract,

knowledge is -

narrow, detailed;

wisdom comes through -

the result of -


life experience,

knowledge transcendence;

wisdom and humility go-

hand in hand,


We become wise when-

we share -

what we know,

we are humble enough to -

admit -

what we don't know;

isn’t what we know -

just the tip of an iceberg of -

the universe of knowledge?

Leadership without wisdom is like-

a lamp without light;

we become wise,

when we admit -

the limit of -

human ability,

unleash -

human potential,


Wisdom is -

the ultimate human intelligence -




to unify, harmonize -




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