Tuesday, June 28, 2022


Senior leadership implies the high level of intellectual and emotional maturity, strategic foresight, profound insight, decision wisdom, innovativeness, and high-level leadership influence.

Organizations are complex, the business environment is dynamic, uncertain; to lead today’s multi-generational, multicultural and multi-devicing workforce, senior leadership effectiveness in a global context comes into play with reciprocating awareness and personalized influence. Leadership is first as a mindset, then as exemplary behavior.

 Leadership is more about the future but starts today. The power of a C-level leader depends on a number of factors, the purpose to lead, their visions and how to convey the vision with clarity; the professional expertise with a mix of knowledge and experience. In summary, today’s C-level leaders need to be knowledgeable, insightful, influential, strategic, and highly effective.

C-level roles are supposed to be the guiding force in the enterprise, envisioning and leading it towards its future confidently: In the age of digital with “VUCA” characteristics, C-level leaders need to be fluent in multidimensional thinking, have interdisciplinary perspectives, as participating in creating and shaping a company's vision and strategy, and the business model for an organization is what drives the focus for each of these C-level positions. A visionary changes the course of business by seeing beyond what all other see or by charting revenue growth through the creation of a new product or market. Top leaders can foresee the trends or capture the insight others cannot; sound judgment is a hardcore leadership competency and the prerequisite quality of being a senior leader. Information savvy corporate leaders have better chance to lead confidently and decide wisely.

There are silos, egos, and complacency, various stakeholders’ agendas to consider in organizations that get stuck at the lower level of business maturity. C level leaders need to be a “big picture” thinker, to ensure the business is running as a whole that is superior to the sum of pieces under their leadership guidance. That altitude, attitude, aptitude should successfully live at the C-level! To run a highly innovative organization, strong senior leaders need to get both vision and innovation right. "Vision" is about a clearly defined destination and 'innovation' is about discovering unique path and leveraging alternative methods or tools to get you there successfully.

C-Level executives need to reach the state of knowledge proficiency and practice expert power wisely:
Being a leader takes one to have a desire to do better than others in certain domains. No one is an expert in everything, but you can always gain expertise for a few things. Practice knowledge power relevant for improving leadership maturity. Top leaders are specialized generalists who should keep learning agile, build their unique leadership portfolio to lead their organizations forward confidently. Insightful leaders can dig into the root causes of issues, leading to understanding and resolution, making sound judgments and solving problems smoothly.

Everything exists in a constant state of change and knowledge of an evolving thing must keep evolving. Collectively, the whole senior executive team has much better opportunities to stay on the same page, each executive can share their own vertical expertise and interdisciplinary understanding, all of them should look at business strategy and solutions from outside-in lens, nurture fertile ground for developing dynamic and recombinant enterprise capabilities; provoke thoughts and actions to unify the varying perspectives of stakeholders, with intention to run a people-centric organization.

C-level leaders play a sponsorship role in process management to improve strategy management effectiveness
: Capability based strategy has significantly high success rate. Processed underpin business capability, so process management will become relevant to the C-level when it contributes to getting relevant performance issues on their agenda proactively. In reality, most organizations today are process and control driven, those processes become inflexible, overly rigid due to the increasing pace of changes and frequent disruptions. Without coherent process management, communication gaps, decision bottlenecks, weak process links, outdated procedures, internal politics, bureaucracies, are all detractors to stifle changes. It’s important to progressively look for opportunities in optimizing key business processes, with the continuous improvement of the "how," cross-functionally and within a strategic view of optimizing multifaceted business value.

Change management, process management, and strategy management often go hand in hand. Almost all effective companies do have process management as part of its strategy - of course, there will be an executive sponsorship on C-level. When it comes to managing change from the perspective of strategy or execution, setting expectations with different stakeholders appropriately is essential to ensure the 'battle of ideas' is done best with a 'blended approach' - tactical wins, combined with a gradual build-up of practice, stakeholder engagement, and value realization is the one most likely to succeed in most places.

Leadership now becomes more interdisciplinary, influential and innovative. Senior leadership implies the high level of intellectual and emotional maturity, strategic foresight, profound insight, decision wisdom, innovativeness, and high-level leadership influence. Worldwidely, strong global leadership today is based on empathetic understanding, fresh knowledge, logical reasoning, persuasive communication, professional maturity, with continuous deliveries to deepen leadership influence consistently.


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