Sunday, October 2, 2022


How well your employees know, understand and are connected to the strategic planning and implementation will always directly correlate to its performance.

Nowadays, organizations face significant pressure to survive in a dynamic business environment with constant disruptions and fierce competitions. Traditional organizational management with siloed processes often causes bureaucracy which is criticized for its unresponsiveness, inflexibility, inefficiency, silo, stagnation, etc.

 Organizational leaders today should navigate through complexity, uncertainty or ambiguity and enhance an iterative strategy management cycle effectively.

Initiate digital dialogs, enhance feedback-feedforward cycle, and harness cross-disciplinary communication: Organizational planning-implementation is not restrictive linear steps, but an iterative continuum. Often, the communication bottleneck and the primary impediments to collaboration is a dissonance between upper and middle management, or dissonance between middle management and the frontline employees. To get things worse, these weakest links will break when change is intense and there is never truly an effort toward enterprise cohesion. Hence, communication is the bridge to strengthen the weak links of implementation. It’s always important to collect the cross-functional teams’ input and commitment to get the work well-done and accountable for high performance results.

All relevant parties need to be involved, at a certain point and at a certain stage of the strategy implementation. Involve all stakeholders right from the beginning; practice cross boundary communication, seek ideas/suggestions with the execution team and create a bonding within the team. Dialogues need to be relevant and communicating with business peers, partners, or customers, needs to be authentic and fact-based, so people can understand what is communicated and are able to translate it into action or expertise without “lost in translation.”, make effective decisions; take step-wise actions for solving problems and achieving high-performance results.

Guide and touch all aspects of the organization; close blindspots, bridge gaps in expediting implementation:
It’s important for managers to take a holistic view of strategy, keep their eyes on the higher horizons, focus on what matters the most, identify both execution blind spots and capability gaps, The blind spots are usually caused by silo mentality, homogeneous team setting, outdated information or knowledge, etc. In fact, many traditional organizations can neither set the right measures to improve business agility nor sufficiently assess the business value in a multidimensional way, as a consequence, articulate their value to the organization’s shareholders clearly.

The role of the top leadership is to provide guidance; to clear the path, whether that is the elimination of obstacles, closing the blind spots, bridging gaps- so that the business as a whole can take a digital leap and unleash its full potential. Identify what generates the most value for the company, express that in strategic objectives with clarity, and take step-wise strategy scenarios to implement it smoothly. The goal of business management optimization is to eliminate unnecessary complications, improve operations to reduce the burden on the company, and increase the success rate of implementation .

It’s important to check if you're on course what adjustments are required, and where to go next by setting the right check point:
Checkpoint = a point at which certain criteria are assessed or reassessed, so that a decision can be made about an initiative. Technically, a checkpoint is what you have in agile design or capability based strategy management at the end of each iteration or intra-iteration. The term is in tune with the risk-driven, adaptive nature of agile management. It’s a sort of governance mechanism embedded in business management processes and practices, to enforce accountability at different level of the organization, and enable business optimization.

Technically, in disciplined agile approaches to implement IT enabled business initiatives, the project team recognizes that there's more needed than just delivering potentially shippable software at each iteration. There are other risks that aren't well addressed by just doing that, and that you should have a more sophisticated governance strategy. It’s important to set up a checkpoint, conduct periodic follow-ups; make those checkpoint reviews comprehensively, take into account both financial and nonfinancial measures, internal improvements, past outcomes and ongoing requirements as indications of future performance.

How well your employees know, understand and are connected to the strategic planning and implementation will always directly correlate to its performance. Organizations need less process and more cross-functional connection, trust, and communication within the intangible assets of organization, to make a significant difference in the overall levels of business performance, responsiveness, and organizational maturity.


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