Problem-solving today has a very wide scope, intricate factors and needs to take an interdisciplinary approach.
Problem-solving is about seeing a problem and actually finding a solution to that problem, In the real world, problem-solving in the majority of organizations today is woefully inadequate, people lacking the right cognitive abilities and skills, usually never question what is exactly the problem because "it's the way things should be."
The majority of organizations perhaps also lack a scientific framework or a set of methodologies or practices for effective problem-solving. It’s important to take multistage scenarios and select the right people for solving problems in the right way.
Analyze: Many of today’s business problems are complex, it’s important to leverage systems thinking and other analytics tools for making root cause analysis, take on a broad and open perspective; break down the complex problems into smaller pieces and solve them without creating too many new problems. It is important to embeds analytics in actual business decisions - problem-solving scenarios. Macro analytics models are more qualitative and general, and "micro" analytics models are more quantitative, scientific, and specific. The intrinsic value of information-based analysis is about turning the most invaluable information and knowledge assets into precious insight to improve problem-solving effectiveness.
Synthesize: Problem-solving evolves both detail and the big picture, tolerates uncertainty. Synthesizing problem-solving is future-oriented, holistic, focuses on long-term problem-solving, without ignorance of emergent trends. The synthetic" problem-solving modeling helps to shape the macro view which is mainly to know what to do, and micro view which is mainly to know how to do it. Both micro and macro views are crucial for effective problem-solving. The synthesis also helps to understand the interdependence of seemingly separate problems, combine things into a whole, or “put pieces of solutions together” seamlessly, and come out tailored solutions to the real problem ultimately.
Strategizing: Running a business is fundamentally an iterative problem-solving scenario. Strategizing problem-solving is about diagnosing the real issues, setting the right priority and taking an interdisciplinary approach to come up with premium solutions that not only meet their needs today, but also take the step further, enabling them to compete for the future, and elevate the business to the next level of problem-solving maturity. Great problem-solvers decontaminate conventional thinking, harness interaction, have a sense of urgency, set the right priority, seek additional resources, update knowledge, and strategize to shape innovative solutions.
Systematize: A systematic perspective helps to understand the interconnectivity between parts and the whole. Business problems often do not exist in isolation but as an interacting and interdependent system. A systematic problem-solving framework is important to help apply a set of well-defined principles, leverage structured methodologies, take consideration of the range of options to deal with complexity, ambiguity, and uncertainty, frame problems systematically and solve complex problems step-wisely. The systematic problem solvers can comprehend dynamic; master induction or deduction; understand variables, interfaces, and interactions, weigh in varying decision factors, figure out “why” and “what” about the problem before jumping to the “how,” with the ultimate goal for effective problem-solving.
Harmonize: Besides logic, there is a role for intuition and creativity in problem-solving. Ask people to make a self-assessment: Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution? Understand that everyone plays a "piece of the pie" in collaborative problem-solving. Recognize the real problem-solvers. Giving everyone a voice in how the organization and the people in it can prosper and thrive. Create a harmonized working environment by communicating smoothly, and fine-tuning the key factors of the organizations such as people, process, and technology to make collective decisions and take a collaboration road to problem-solving harmoniously.
Solve problems really matter and solve them in the right way. Problem-solving today has a very wide scope, intricate factors and needs to take an interdisciplinary approach. It is important to experiment, explore, engage and strike the right balance between flexibility and hard process; creativity and logic, take multistage logical scenarios and create multiple pathways to solve problems smoothly.
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