Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Digital Organizations with High Changeability

Curve awareness, strength finding and building, practices, and measurement are the logical steps and systematic efforts to manage change or business transformation. 

Change is the new normal with increasing paces. You have to define the change situation and the desired results before plowing into any effort, from measured progress to critical survival. The traditional organizations with pyramidal hierarchy usually enforce silos, encourage bureaucracy, and slow down the business speed.

Business leaders today need to reimagine how contemporary businesses should be designed and structured to improve responsiveness, effectiveness, and maturity. Here are a few perspectives on how to build digital organizations with high changeability.

Clarify the organizational goals behind changes: There are incremental changes or radical change; structural change or technical change; internal change or environmental change; process change or people change. Improvement is a form of change, change can also be leapfrogged into business transformation. Change purposes, methodologies, and practices should be updated and well understood, you must understand the concept of the true meaning of the nonlinear organizational dynamic.

Therefore, Change Management is never for its own sake, change without good reason and adding value is futile and useless. You have to determine why you are doing it; as well as what strategic goals and objectives you are trying to reach. For change to be embraced by stakeholders, they ultimately need to understand why it is an improvement and what it will improve for them. Clarify the organizational goals behind changes and improve the success rate of change management.

Recognize change agents: People are both the cause and effect of changes. Change happens smoothly when changing is easier than maintaining the status quo and, more importantly, when people no longer feel threatened by it, but proactively drive progressive changes. It’s important to identify change agents who can initiate and sustain changes, walk the talk relentlessly. Identifying motivators, behaviors and emotional intelligence competencies with assessment tools assist in identifying them and motivate teams to achieve the art of possible.

Effective change leadership is highly influential and methodical, building a solid change management team is critical to focus on communication, coordination and facilitation, resource assignment, adoption, and training, for creating and maintaining cross-functional trust, transparency, actions, and results. Seek employee accountability for results, not activities. Establish a "sense of urgency" required to drive change in the organization, make leaders and managers responsible and accountable for making changes happening and keep change sustaining.

Develop change competency: Change shouldn’t be just a couple of random business initiatives for reacting to changes, but a cohesive business competency. Businesses will be more successful when they realize that one of their greatest strengths will be their changeability. Organizational change management has a strong role in business transformation, benefits realization, and strategy execution. It's worthwhile to explore new models and be congruent with the words "change management.”

Radical change often needs to restructure the root of the company such as values, beliefs, and objectives, the soft factors such as communication, culture besides the hard business components tuning such as process optimization or technology update. If the desire is to make an enterprise-wide impact, change mechanism needs to be integrated at the right level and change becomes a dynamic business capability.

Shape "network like"organizations to streamline information flow: Change is a challenge, but also an opportunity, and if you try to turn it into an obligation, you will cause an equal and opposite reaction. Flatter organizations may allow for a more open structure and limited hierarchy works best in a creative environment in which the free flow of ideas and their prompt implementation is a key element of change success.

There are both formal organizational structures and informal social structures intertwined in modern businesses and evolve themselves naturally like an organic organism. Alignment with organizational design, enterprise architecture, and program office functions is ultimately where you need to be to really make a difference. Self-motivated managers and people need to be working as high-performing and innovative teams, creating both internal and external beliefs around how the business is a movement for enablement and improvement.

Achieve superior returns on investment: The companies often need a set of deliverables of Change Management so that they can justify the investment. The changes delivered could be incremental, transitional, or transformational if it is fundamentally shifting the entire business model of an organization. From a finance perspective, the better the quality of the change management program, the more anticipated benefits, and deliverables will be achieved.

Change managers know the cost of implementing the change; they know the value of anticipated benefits and deliverables. Subtracting cost from anticipated value gives them a net anticipated value of the change if fully and successfully implemented. A measurement system is a necessary foundation for continuous improvement. The value can be in the form of money saved, revenue from a new unexplored business idea, etc. In many business situations, financial indicators only cover part of the story. The well-set measurement ensures systems, processes, procedures, etc, are being leveraged in their intended use to sustain changes.

It is TIME to change. Curve awareness, strength finding and building, practices, and measurement are the logical steps and systematic efforts to manage change or business transformation. The whole business ecosystem needs to communicate, negotiate and cooperate with each other for catalyzing changes and making a seamless digital paradigm shift.


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