It’s the time to celebrate Independence Day; it’s also the time to practice independence thinking, contemplate innovative leadership, and post-crisis digital transformation.

Vision to frame: Innovative leaders transmit energy to a variety of people, giving them a new sense of hope and confidence in achieving a circular vision with a positive frame. They perhaps propose ideas ahead of their time or intend to fill the gap when people’s mindsets lag behind the era in which they live in. They have high thinking capability with capacity (inward strength) and ability (outward action) to reframe the experience of adversity. They have the mentality to drive a positive attitude and help to conquer the current barriers in order to embrace a brighter future. An innovative leader with a positive mental attitude can win professionally and elegantly because the mind is focused on strength, opportunities, and inspired actions.
Rationality to facts: There are different kinds of rationality that apply to different dimensions of leadership discipline. There is physical or technical rationality. There is emotional or psychological rationality, and there is mental or spiritual rationality, just to name a few. Each arena has its own rules and norms. Digital leaders today should be rational to facts and have the discernment to make wise decisions. The pitfall is that in most cases, data captured may be fact-based, but it’s either out of date or irrelevant or the data has no integrity. You have to be humble to realize there are many things you know you don’t know and perhaps even more which you don't know what you don't know. Without thinking systemically, "rational" decisions can have unintended consequences.
Accountability to people: Part of the digital journey is to prepare people for the emerging digital trends, new structures, and the better way to work. People have to be ready for moving to a more fluid digital dynamic. Digital leaders today are able to make intelligent judgments to ensure putting the right people with the right capability to solve the right problem timely. Accountability goes hand in hand with the delegation of authority or power. People should be the center of digital management and they are the major focus for organizational capability optimization and accomplishment.
Adaptability to change: Adaptability is to be understood as the ability of systems or people to adapt themselves smoothly and fast to changed circumstances. Develop adaptability by negotiating win-win outcomes, increasing self-confidence and performance in others, getting yourself, and others into actions. Adaptability is not just a soft skill, but a hard capability. Transformational leaders with high adaptability tend to be quicker to recognize and potentially impact the social or economic change in very early stages. Self-adaptation is a phenomenon strictly linked to see learning and knowledge increases if shared and consumed and it is faster if made with the full involvement of people in organizational flow with the consciousness to change.
Openness to diversification: Today’s digital workforce is multigenerational, multicultural, and multidevice, it’s critical to orient people and make them aware of the power of diversity as the hotbed of creativity, help them understand the value of harnessing cognitive difference to make effective decisions; encourage them to embrace the fresh perspectives and run an innovative business. There is a significant difference between cosmetic diversity makeup and the essential inclusiveness movement. It’s crucial to embed inclusiveness into business culture and make “inclusiversity” a true digital delight to maximizes the potential of all employees and develop a creative digital workforce.
Empathy to understanding: As the world moves into a hyper-connected and interdependent digital relationship age, empathy is an ultimate level of human cognition of being non-judgmental, active listening, and balancing between tolerance and respect to achieve that. Once a person understands that we all have different lenses, perceptions in the way we look at the world, it becomes easier to open your heart to another person and make truthful communication. It does take a lot of practice to gain empathy and is achievable. first, understand, then be understood; first, listen, then make a conversation; first envision, then communicate; first observe, then perceive; first learn, then criticize and provide constructive feedback, etc. In fact, empathy is the single defining quality that will distinguish great leaders from the rest.
Facility to communication: Communication is probably the world’s biggest problem as many listen to respond and not to think profoundly beforehand. It is important to foster a transparent and trustful business environment where feedback and communication are based on reality and not simply what senior management wants to hear. The digital dialog is neither a one-way street nor a “once a lifetime “event. It needs to be continuous, iterative, interactive, and multi-channel to converge diverse thoughts into effective decisions.because change occurs on a continuum. It is a matter of leadership guidance to steer the journey of digital transformation in the right direction by facilitating continuous digital dialogues and enforcing communication effectiveness effortlessly.
Sensibility to diagnosis: The world has become over-complex with explosive information. At times, it seems that the expanding universe is more meaningful for the exponentiality of information and expansion of knowledge which expands the universe around us. Context aids us in understanding what’s relevant and gaining an in-depth understanding of complex problems with context, having the sensibility to diagnose, and follow the logical scenario to solve them. If there are “illogical problems,” the resolution of an illogical problem requires a logical process to ask open questions, collect relevant information, think alternatives, frame, and solve it effectively.
Justifiability to prove: Due to the complexity and ever-changing business dynamic, sound judgment is a hardcore leadership competency The habit of prejudging and preconceived notions about things jumping to conclusions are easy to miss because it is so fast and automatic. Discernment is more about perceptiveness. People gain a clear discernment when they explore the mental process of acquiring new knowledge through thoughts, experiences, and senses; to be impartial which means objective, detached, just, fair, equal, open-minded, unbiased, nonpartisan, unprejudiced, etc. Highly discerning people are better equipped to leverage different sources of information for making sound judgments and capture the holistic picture for improving collective decision maturity.
Vitality to intuition: Intuition will always play a part of being human. What might be identified as "intuition" is probably subconscious rapid assessment through a decision tree to come up with an appropriate and timely response to an unfolding situation? Intuition does not mean one stops making conscious choices totally. It could be based on our intelligence, past experiences, and knowledge. let the inner feeling flow, also apply the awareness and intelligence to make better choices, but not any choice. It's about proactively opening ourselves, leveraging intuition to take “fast thinking” scenarios, and switch on the creativity button purposefully.
Incredibility to uniqueness: Being unique means to be authentic. Being authentic is defined as being real or genuine. Discovering professional uniqueness is about investigating what’s your strength, your passion: defining your task, things you want to do, and do better than others. The emphasis on developing professional uniqueness is on trying to determine which competencies or capabilities should be used in which combination, and with what level of weight for each, for every different situation. The indicators to assess the intrinsic capacity of individuals include self-awareness (recognition of one's strength and weaknesses), interdisciplinary skills and knowledge, cognitive ability & style, intellectual engagement, creative problem-solving, personality plasticity, ability to identify patterns, ability to make unusual connections, capacity to adapt, emotional intelligence, etc.
Impressibility to counter: It is important to create a trusted environment in which we can openly share our thoughts without any fears and all statements are allowed. It is necessary most of the time for arguments, given for the sake of simply proving or leading to some valid conclusion based on facts and different logical angles. There remains potential to learn very much, both from the opponent’s view and one’s own. One can take measures of the level of zeal and rigor of reasoning all around. Creativity is triggered when we not only practice critical thinking but also truly connect with others and learn from them. It's all about letting go of the "looking good" syndrome we all have so deeply embedded in us, dare to be disobedient and ask tough questions, and challenge conventional settings.
Sustainability to move: Sustainability is about minimizing the usage of non-renewable resources, optimizing resource use, cutting emission and recycling waste, orchestrating an energy-efficiency, sustainable-savvy, and resource-optimized modern organization. High-performance enterprises should recognize the integrated connection between its supply chain and sustainability, and deliver the next generation of a technology-enabled business solution to fill out the gap and optimize the process, ensure the best fit between short term profitability (shareholders) and long-term sustainability (stakeholders: employees, government, society) and improve the overall business maturity.
Since the dawn of the digital era is partly responsible for many of the prevailing global problems- prevailing due to the increasing pace of change and continuous disruption. To be an innovative leader, an individual has to prove him/herself of a free mind, creative, informative, and risk-taking. They need to have strategic intelligence, the interrelated set of skills - foresight, systems thinking, visioning, motivating; be capable of managing a more ambiguous/longer time frame set of issues, shaping desirable changes, and driving digital transformation effortlessly.
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