Digital makes a significant impact on every aspect of the business from people, processes to technology, both horizontally and vertically. Digital becomes the very fabric of high performing business, being outside-in, and customer-centric is the new mantra for forward-looking and high mature digital organizations today.
From an organizational structure perspective, how can you fine-tune the digital dimensions of your organizational development to harness innovation?
Organizational Structure & Architecture
An Architectural Framework as a Playground to Optimize Organizational Design An architectural framework is a collection of knowledge composed of different groups of information and knowledge. The framework is also a playground within which you structure, build and perform your work such as culture, practices, knowledge, know-how; design and plan the future enterprise for helping the organization make a transition from the current state to the future state
Business Architecture as a Master Planner of the Organization Digitalization is the state of dynamism, continuum, and interaction. Compared to the mechanical nature of the industrial organization, digital organizations are like the living systems that keep self-adapting and self-renewing. To thriving in the “VUCA” digital new normal, Business Architecture (BA) as a master planner tool can bring greater awareness of intricacies and value of the ever-evolving business systems, interwoven processes, technological advancement, resource alignment, and help to craft the future state of the organization with the following business artifacts:
Enterprise Architecture vs. Enterprise Design Organizations are 'purposeful' systems. This means they have a purpose and work to achieve a goal. Not all systems are purposeful. Enterprise Architecture is the glue to connect such purpose (WHY), strategy (WHAT), and execution (HOW). Enterprise Design can elevate business from functioning, firm to delight. But what constitutes the distinction in detail between design and architecture, between enterprise design and enterprise architecture?
Change-Readiness with Synthesis of Socio-Technical Systems-Perspectives We are living in a complex world in which inventions, developments, and conflicts are continuously changing and that makes it impossible to have complete knowledge and understanding of many issues facing the business today. Organization design is an integral piece of business Change Management. It’s the vehicle through which the business strategy is executed and defines the environment where the talent can unleash the potential. Making an objective change impact assessment is an important step in building the organizational level change management competency and achieving high-performance business results. Thus, change readiness is an important indicator of the business competency at the organizational level. Here is the change readiness with the synthesis of Socio-Technical Systems (STS) perspectives.
In Search of Business Architecture Totality to Drive Transformative Change, The digital transformation is now spreading rapidly to enable organizations of all shapes and sizes to reinvent themselves. It implies the full-scale changes in the way that the business is conducted. Business Architecture contains the organizational context and is strategic in that it gives direction to the business design and transformation. Forward-thinking organizations are in search of business architecture totality, reimagine the future of business, and consider designing the new structural model to embrace high velocity and drive transformative change.
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