Saturday, March 5, 2022


There is a logic behind any innovation effort, and it's important to manage innovation systematically.

Innovation is both art and science. It’s the art of generating novel ideas; also a scientific discipline with a set of best or next practices to implement them through progressive thinking and continuous improvement. 

In fact, innovation is one of the core activities of the digital revolution and collective human progress. There is more flow of creative ideas, the better opportunities to reap the benefit from innovation management.


Innovation and humility: Humility builds trust, and trust enforces creativity. Humility enables curiosity; curiosity drives fresh ideas, develops creativity. Humility allows one to understand oneself, understand others, strike the right balance of being confident and being humble, display discipline and break down old rules or outdated processes, if necessary. By managing the ego well, we can empty our mind of how things are "usually" solved, practice strong observation, deep listening or inquisitive skills, and understand the circumstance profoundly, connect dots to generate ideas smoothly.

Humility is one of the very characteristics of innovative leadership. If you are humble, you are open to learn and love new ideas. Being humble is not lack of confidence, but knowing and being confident of your strengths and gifts; appreciating others’ talent, asking great questions, embracing unique viewpoints; not losing focus and allowing emotions to get in the way of teamwork and team growth. Talking and actively listening to one another also creates excitement which propels good ideas to be formed. Humility allows people to embrace diversity, enhance mutual trust, welcome constructive feedback, and catalyze innovation.

Innovation & Stimulation: Due to the rapid changing business environment, “disruption” and “stimulation” makes sense to spur great ideas, encourage creativity because people have to let go of “the voices from the past,” deprogram old mindset, break down the outdated traditions, and keep creative energy flowing frictionlessly. Either individually or collectively, to deal with fierce competitions and shortened knowledge cycles, you need to have a bolder attitude, enjoy creative activities to stimulate imagination, generate fresh ideas, and play a variety of personas to build higher innovation competency.

In modern society, intellectual stimulation is critical to reprogramming collective minds with new values, norms, and attitudes, taking into consideration that many businesses do not seem to be satisfied with the current circumstances because there are not enough innovations happening in their businesses to disrupt outdated mindsets, systems, processes, cultures, business models, or practices. High-innovative teams show varying styles with different dimensions: inspirational, game-changing, intellectual stimulation, or idealized; their thinking feeling is an influence, their intuition sensing is appreciation; their collective insight leads to creativity; their collaborative efforts drive innovation.

Innovation & Validation:
Innovation is to transform validation is an important step in innovation management. It’s about validating and implement fresh ideas for achieving the business values. An idea is just an idea unless executed. Implementing those ideas to achieve their business value. Good idea evaluation is a critical part of successful new product or business development. The basic goal of idea validation should be to quickly and thoughtfully weed out potential projects that are not a good fit for your particular business, and then you can focus on the good ideas, leverage the right resources to improve innovation effectiveness. Besides validating ideas, it’s also important to validate innovation platforms, systems, or tools. An effective idea management platform/tools can be assessed through simplicity of use, flexibility to manage different discussions, collaborative systems & tools to encourage brainstorming, collaboration.

The art enters idealization at the beginning as the concept, often arrived at by a brainstorming session, but idea implementation evolves the full cycle of prototyping, test, and verification, etc. In the digital working environment, focusing helps to validate or invalidate an idea. There’s nothing wrong with lots of out-of-the box ideas as long as you couple it with some good analytical tools to make an objective assessment, pick the best of the best to achieve their commercial values. It’s more a matter of focus and refinement to perfect the art of innovation and reap the benefit of innovation management.

Business innovation today expands both horizontally and vertically. It's not serendipity, being innovative is a mindset. There is a logic behind any innovation effort, and it's important to manage innovation systematically. Digital innovation management is a system that can be fine-tuned in a structured way to improve its success rate.


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