Wednesday, August 17, 2022


In fact, there is no innovation without inclusiveness.

Surviving and thriving upon exponential growth of information, fierce competitions, and continuous disruptions requires collaboration, interdisciplinarity, flexibility, innovativeness, and resilience. 

We are stronger through appreciating diversity and advocating inclusion. It allows us to explore options that one individual or a homogeneous group might not have uncovered; produces better products, services, choices, solutions, business brands, amplifies collective creativity and performance.

Inclusion only happens when the “inclusiveness mindset” is available at top management: In order to predict the future trends and embrace uncertainty, business leaders today must be inclusive, very open to knowledge, desire for insight, search for unconventional wisdom, recognize merit and ideas, no matter where they come from, for improving organizational unique competency. Otherwise, their organizations will not be able to survive, leave alone thrive, for the long term. Inclusive leaders are open to change, empathetic to understanding others, listen to diverse viewpoints; build heterogeneous teams, and innovative to solve problems collaboratively. .

Inclusiveness makes the team stronger: Everyone is unique, there are all kinds of differences that exist between individuals from perception to personality to potentiality. People with an inclusive mentality are curious and receptive to improvisation and experimentation with a positive intention to tap collective potential. The increasing competition demands some changes where homogeneous group settings are replaced with heterogeneous team building; team members can complement each other's cognitive abilities, professional skills and core competencies to achieve a set of common goals for producing high performance results. Advocating inclusiveness and appreciating diversity is about complementing different thinking styles to make effective decisions; integrating collective capabilities and capacities for solving problems collaboratively.

Inclusion becomes part of organizational cultural themes:
An inclusive organization is immersive, informative, interactive, interdependent. The business leaders must empower innovators, change agents, customer champions to cultivate a culture of inclusiveness, and work with the right mindset to build an inclusive organization with every dip in the business lifecycle. Inclusive mindset from top down can generate creative energy, rejuvenate the culture of innovation. People feel comfortable sharing ideas and thoughts because everyone has a different perspective based on their cognitive difference, diverse life experiences, and cultural values. The management has an open session and tells people that the organization would like to embark upon the road of total inclusion. Because inclusiveness makes the organization stronger, complements each other's skills and capabilities, develops strong business brands, and amplifies collective performance.

In fact, there is no innovation without inclusiveness. The most advanced societies are diverse mixtures of peoples that can spark creativity and amplify innovation. Inclusion with global context is about leveraging the global diverse talents, knowledge and perspectives of all employees to bridge visible and invisible differences, such as varying thinking techniques, working/lifestyle, professional experience, cultural heritage, etc, to enforce communication and co-solve critical problems successfully.


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