Monday, August 29, 2022


Build core business competency, improve organizational resilience, keep learning and improving to gain a competitive advantage in the face of fierce competition and business dynamics.

Change is an ongoing business effort and innovation is a unique business capability to reinvent business, but not to reinvent the wheels. Innovation happens anywhere in an open environment, with ecosystem involvement. 

There are many components in an effective innovation environment or ecosystem, how to take business initiatives, put all necessary ingredients together to improve organizational long term advantage.

Balancing: Increasing pace of changes and dynamic marketing conditions brings huge pressures for organizations across vertical sectors to keep reinventing themselves structurally. They need to be centralized to keep crucial issues under control; but decentralized to encourage autonomy. The variety of business management such as change management, IT management, and knowledge management need to strike the right balance of centralization and decentralization, transaction & transformation; process and creativity, etc, for improving strategic flexibility of the organization.

Because having too little oversight and too much decentralization leads to a lack of a business system. On the other hand, if there is too much centralization and inflexibility, there won’t be room for growth and stifle the speed of changes. The challenge is balancing day-to-day operations with the resources for strategic initiatives when they are shared to ensure that the strategic goals for the long-term are still met.

Navigating: Complexity and uncertainty is part of the new normal, without forethoughtful leaders with navigation capacities, businesses would find themselves setting radically different trajectories, they are facing daunting tasks of navigating the business context with largely uncharted territories. An interdisciplinary lens allows the organization to explore change, especially the large scale of business transformation in all directions and experiment with innovation courageously.

The corporate leadership with navigation competency requires the multidimensional understanding of both tangible and intangible business success factors, overcome silo or overly rigid polarity, to lead change steadfastly. Innovative navigators are able to think out of the box, connect unusual dots, update knowledge, and reinvent new concepts to broaden perspectives on how to spot opportunities for business innovation fluently.

: Agility is the ability to "pivot" and change direction in response to market pressure or to create market opportunity. "Agility" is a fast, sure response to external stimuli. Business agility requires a set of complementary & strategic business competencies. It is the reciprocal of the lag time between recognizing an emerging business opportunity and being able to act on that opportunity promptly. Many businesses aspire to agility when they are burdened by brittle, tightly coupled systems constrained by rigid roadmaps and deployment schedules due to the underlying technical difficulty, integration dependencies, and testing complexity. It requires a good understanding of what is meant by strategic agility, how to fine tune processes, update technology, and explore talent for improving business agility. The business aspiration to agility can often be leveraged to help align business and technology stakeholders around the case for application modernization, rationalization, integration, innovation, optimization.

The progress of the world is pushed forward by quality leaders and professionals who are applying vision, expertise, and techniques, using broad and diverse skills to build core business competency, improve organizational resilience, and keep learning and improving to gain a competitive advantage in the face of fierce competition and business dynamics.


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