Saturday, August 20, 2022


Can you see through- invisible, explore unknown? Seeing is believing, isn’t unseen unbelievable?

The beautiful globe,

we co-share is-

full of energy, potential, mysteries,

Do you only believe in -


Can you see -


feel untouchable?

sense unbelievable;

understand unforgettable?

envisioning things,

not happening yet,

perceive the world,

with multifaceted truth & myth;

physical-virtual reality,


Unseen is complex until-

it is known;

once known,

it becomes clear.

One can see -

an egg;

another sees -

an omelet,

to envision-

the substance of things,

unseen is-

an inspiration;

to spur creativity,

invisible is-

crucial ingredient..

Isn’t creativity like-

a seed,

hidden underground,

Invisible from you,

for a while;

inside each seed,

there is an unseen potential,

unleashed energy;

unimaginable colors,

uncompromised substances.

Can you see through-


explore unknown?

Seeing is believing,

Isn’t unseen unbelievable?


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