Monday, August 22, 2022


 To improve employees’ engagement and develop creativity, do meaningful work innovatively, or improve customer satisfaction empathetically. 

Creativity has many dimensions, with multifaceted truth and myth, manifold knowledge and incredible imagination. Creativity is a flow, an abstract, and an imagination. Creative people are optimistic realists to discover versatility, generate great ideas all the time, and improve creative intelligence.

Neuroplasticity is the key to unlocking ultimate creativity: Creativity is a result of living in your free space to imagine, innovate, invent. Being creative is about expanding the boundaries of knowledge or conventional thinking, and through such expansions, the fresh idea or new concept is developed. Knowledge, especially interdisciplinary knowledge can further fuel your creativity because you have wide dots to connect for generating fresh ideas; and great insight is a good foundation to kindle your imagination and develop creative wisdom.

Have a positive attitude in the creative process to redefine, reinvent, re-innovate one’s commitment to creativity: Creativity is realized in the process of interaction with others and the world to generate fresh ideas or invent new stuff. In art and design practice, creative problem-solving is a process in critical thinking. If you are committed to excellence, then all outcomes are the inspiration for future new developments. Perhaps challenges or failures, testing & trials can be considered part of the learning curve. Creativity is indispensable because through creativity, the full cycle of imagining, testing the hypothesis, failing, entreating, and improving, new ideas is developed, and fresh insight is captured.

Creativity allows business leaders and professionals to become the “choice generator”:
In the organizational setting, being creative is about co-developing ideas and co-solving problems alternatively; setting or making choices for improving customer satisfactions or people-centricity. To deal with fierce competitions, it’s important to leverage quality information, envision the emerging technological trends, imagine the new possibilities and catalyze innovation proactively.

To improve employees’ engagement and develop creativity, do meaningful work innovatively, or improve customer satisfaction empathetically. Both intuitive and deliberate thinking have their places to make the right choice, intuition helps them make choices by discovering “who they are” and “what shall they do or choose” naturally, or simply the connection of the unusual dots to come up with novel ideas or alternative solutions.


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