Monday, August 22, 2022


With effective leadership and masterful design and orchestration, digital organizations can be operated as high-performance and high mature businesses to unlock performance smoothly.

In face of fast-paced change, fierce competitions, organizations of the future are increasingly exhibiting digital characteristics in various shades and intensity, the emerging trends reinforce the very characteristics of the business such as diversification, adaptation, innovation, customer-centricity. 

 The new paradigm arises out of new knowledge, insightful leadership can make seamless alignment, make intuitive design, orchestrate cross-functional, cross-organizational level of change to build high performance organization.

Business process management provides orchestration by setting guidelines, in respect of the performance of work: Process is one of the important elements in keeping business functioning.­­­­ Whereas traditional process management was critiqued as being "rigid," when you manage work in an environment in which process management sits in the background providing orchestration. In information-savvy organizations, business processes become more dynamic, goal-driven and people-centric for orchestrating a real time intelligent organization.

A real-time organization fine-tunes lightweight business processes that allows information and ideas flow frictionlessly, refine them into business value, orchestrate cross-functional collaboration, create business synergy, and build differentiated business competency. Workflow management with optimized process management and adaptive case management yields improved efficiency & reliability, decreased errors, increased throughput, effective compliance with internal and external rules and regulations, setting the stage for improved outcome.

The role of information technology today for many organizations is a solution to information on-demand and digital orchestration of business transformation: Information is one of the most invaluable business assets, technology is a tool to improve productivity and innovation. IT is uniquely positioned to observe business processes across the enterprise. Sometimes, when one business area has a new product or a service that can be used by another, IT can scale up the best practices across the organizational system, even orchestrate information-based large scale changes in a structural way.

The trend of IT consumerization provides unprecedented opportunities for IT to get more touch base with end customers, and empower employees to grow and do things innovatively. IT acts more as an ‘orchestrator,’ to conduct information-mature, customer-centric digital organizations. IT needs to become a digital orchestrator for building dynamic business competencies and unleash the full potential of the digital organization.

Innovative leadership conducts business ecosystem orchestration:
Running a successful business is an improvement and problem-solving continuum. The real challenge is to understand where and how you can and should improve to get the biggest effect and scale-up across the digital ecosystem effortlessly. The high performance organization is solid enough to keep things in order, but fluid enough to interact with the expanded digital ecosystem seamlessly, to either generate wealth for shareholders or build prosperity of constituencies.

Digital leadership is more about influencing, mentoring, harmonizing and orchestrating toward the next level of organizational maturity. Strong leaders empower employees to be who they want to be and well-align their professional development with long-term business strategy, enchant customers via varying digital touchpoints and personalized experiences, analyze and synthesize all sorts of information from within and even outside of the business boundary, to come out with creative ideas or optimal business solutions.

Whether we can set a progressive tone to make a seamless paradigm shift depends on how we make the mind shift to process/structure shift to behavior shift cross-disciplinarily. With effective leadership and masterful design and orchestration, digital organizations can be operated as high-performance and high mature businesses to unlock performance smoothly.


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