Tuesday, July 27, 2021


Besides doing fundamental right, to build good credibility and reputation, we need to develop competency and move up professional maturity.

Credibility is a perceived quality that others assign to you based on the interplay of a number of elements, such as integrity, competence (expertise), sound judgment, relational sensitivity, and likeability.

Sound judgment is a hardcore skill to build credibility; consistence is a trait to enhance credibility:
Having a sound judgment and discerning mind to make right decisions becomes one of the most critical professional qualities to build credibility in today's business dynamic with increasing pace of changes. In order to overcome complexity, today’s business leaders and professionals need to keep consistent in having intellectual curiosity, a growth mindset, a learning attitude; a set of effective decision-making skills to make sound judgment; and improve their credibility by thinking of consequence, not thinking of convenience.

Trust is based on credibility; integrity harnesses trust: The key to trust is to build creativity and establish trustworthiness as a character trait. People may have different value systems for trust, leading in such an environment requires acting in ways that provide clear reasons to decide to trust. No blind trust or trust too little; true trust is based on integrity and credibility. Integrity is a commitment to do the right thing for the right reasons. Integrity strengthens credibility. Credibility and integrity, either constant or consistent integrity, is essential in earning and holding the trust of each other. You know people with high credibility do what they say, and deliver what they do. So you trust them, that will keep improving their credibility.

Credibility is established on competency and leads to professionalism: Credibility requires competence as one of the factors that encourage where credibility emerges. A set of differentiated capabilities enable us to shape competitive advantage and build certain credibility as either a specialized generalist or generalized specialist. It’s critical to assess the condition/suitability/differentiation of capability objectively. Good credibility is based on underpromising-overdelivery; if you over promise, and under-deliver, you could end up committing to something that you cannot successfully make; lose accountability and tarnish reputation.
Credibility is not the same thing as likeability; it makes us more trustful and influential. Besides doing fundamental right, to build good credibility and reputation, we need to develop competency and move up professional maturity.


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