Sunday, July 25, 2021


The leaders of the future will not be mere automation, but continue to discover, explore, improve, exemplify, orchestrate, catalyze, and achieve.

Now we are moving in the hyperconnected and interdependent digital economy, today’s business leaders should become more future-oriented, set a clear vision, have the breadth of leadership skills and depth of insight to handle many intricate situations, sense, feel, read, imagine and intuit possibilities in the digital paradigm shift. 

Change, Innovation, Autonomy, etc, are all parts of transformative leadership which demands insight, understanding, patience, persistence, and courage, among other things.

To be trusted as the orchestrators for large-scale change: We are at the intersection of the industrial age and digital era; the knowledge economy and creative economy. A truly great leader acts professionally in all aspects of their role and beyond, being versatile and flexible in response to unpredictable circumstances and unprecedented uncertainty. Transaction-driven managers “keep the lights on”; the transformation-led leaders are in demand for driving the large scale of change in a logical scenario. Effective Leadership finds the leader and followers in voluntary and productive 'overlap.' There is agreement in the selected vision, values, purpose and plan. Trustful leaders are like orchestrators who can balance main elements impacting change: People, Strategies, Process and Information Technology into coherent changeability which enable businesses to adapt to the dynamic ecosystem and gain their competitive advantages.

Business transformation is challenging because oftentimes the large-scale transformation which  needs to change the underlying structure, rooted belief, or even the organizational fingerprint-culture. Such a significant paradigm shift can only be done with visionary and effective leaders who can convey a clear vision via narrative -story-telling, knowledge sharing or empathetic conversations to create a strong chain with no weak links. Top business leaders can make leadership influence when they make sure their thoughts can be interpreted by multiple entities and acted in the desired way. Their vision can be fulfilled by a structural change management with the right balance of quick wins and breakthroughs.

To be memorable as the innovation catalyst for concerted efforts to achieve common goals: Due to fierce competitions and information exponentiation, innovation is the only way to build the long-term business advantage. There are many ways to differentiate and, therefore, there are many ways to pursue innovation. High-performance leaders put more effort on innovation via inquisitiveness and guidance: Do we have the right innovation climate? What about trust? Or what about happiness? How about anger, frustration? What is triggering our emotions for doing innovation? Who will be held responsible for implementing innovation, what will be the cost, time, risk, and ROI etc. As an innovative leader, you must become an architect of community creation, and then you need to be able to step back and clarify the introspective, retrospective, and technospective of innovation scenarios.

Innovative leaders require the strength to review a recommendation to a problem or decisions. They see the old problems from every direction and find different solutions. They inspire new business model experiments; traditional industrial rejuvenation; inter/entrepreneurship, interdisciplinary renaissance , etc. Innovative leaders are not spontaneous, instead, they are well-disciplined, focusing on the strategic business goals dedicatedly; leveraging varying processes such as analysis & synthesis at the different phases of innovation management skillfully and lay out different structures, and solutions for making continuous deliveries. By clarifying important ingredients and tuning the robust processes, systems, and tools, the organization can generate winning concepts for innovation management on a consistent basis.

Besides advocating individualism to inspire authenticity and autonomy; the balanced innovation leadership promotes collaboration and partnership for cultivating positive culture with mutual inspiration, motivation, enrichment, building a strong team with complementary cognition, knowledge, skills, values, efforts to scale up innovation effect and create phenomenon to unleash collective potential.

To be respected as the exemplar of “self-leadership”: Leadership is a journey, not a time-setting work. Leadership takes vision and practice. Cognitive abilities can be developed via independent thinking and critical reasoning; knowledge needs to be updated frequently, and strength needs to be built via continuous learning and problem-solving. Being a leader can on occasion feel isolating, however, by following your instinct, you will more often than not turn the situation around and produce a positive outcome. The spirit of self-leadership can make a positive impact in business/societal culture; stays current in their field/profession; freely innovates, demonstrates core competencies; creates alternative ways of working; mentors and coaches others relentlessly.

The first step of exemplifying “self-leadership” is to explore “who you are”; in order to tap your potential(intellectual potential, motivational potential, systems potential, etc,), investigate your passion, discover your strength, define competency and build capabilities, establish yourselves as having a very strong reputation in a particular topic area- being an expert in your domains. It's a challenge and a responsibility of a leader to strive to do the right thing, and instruct others to do things right. If you remain open and keep reaching to learn more and positively impact as many people as you can, then the possibilities are limitless.

The next step of “self-leadership” is to encourage autonomy - encourage teams to do self-development and self-management; create an environment that is egalitarian enough so every individual has the opportunity to actualize their potential and encompass the collective human potential. Leadership is situational; make discernment and establish insight into leadership approach and style in different situations, and have the ability to learn to reflect, have the inter-disciplinary knowledge to understand perspectives different from your own. So collaboratively, we can achieve “the art of possible.”

The leaders of the future will not be mere automation, but continue to discover, explore, exemplify, improve, catalyze, orchestrate, and achieve. The effectiveness of leadership is a foundation to bring wisdom in the workplace which often means positive atmosphere, open-mindedness, growth-focus, intellectual stimulation, culture of learning, and nurturing collaborative & professional working relationships to both unleash employees’ potential and drive organizational maturity.


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