Sunday, July 18, 2021


An autonomous organization is a self-adaptive system which is able to re-configure its own structure and change its own behavior during the execution of its adaptation to continuous environmental changes

Either individually or at the organizational level, autonomy implies the systematic ability to sell-reflect, self-develop, self-driven, or self-renew. Autonomy can be achieved via system automation, team self-management, and interdisciplinary digital practices. High level of autonomy is the symbol of digital maturity.

Automation: Automation has been defined as the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically for improving efficiency to balance the demand and supply. Technically, to automate the logistic part of the organization, first, examine every process and identify how it can be made more efficiently and how it connects to other processes, remove the inefficiencies and rationalize the manual actions first. Keep in mind, not all activities within a process can be automated but automation certainly makes the process more repeatable and predictable. Identify any constraining tasks and look to automate these first to reduce the overall delivery cycle for a task. As this process goes along, see what can be automated by using the automation available natively within many of the tools you already have and make continuous improvement. But don’t use it because you don’t examine the processes from a holistic viewpoint on a regular basis.

The technical side of the organization such as IT systems don’t exist independently and that there are interactions between business systems such as system overlaps and real in-and output dependencies. The level of automation sometimes could complicate the integration/interfacing based on the technology stack used but should not drive structural complexity of the organizational business processes. So part of the automation and optimization scenario involves retiring legacy systems; reassessing any systems that sucks too much resource and energy that require too much IT effort; tightening coordination with vendors and partners, in order to improve technical system manageability. In fact, automation is one of the crucial factors for accelerating performance and increasing business speed. Automation ensures less divergence in the execution and often allows for much better information gathering on the KPIs that matter most.

Self-management: Self-organization is a natural human activity, and autonomy further stimulates creativity. From a leadership perspective, the institutional trust, support, power, and autonomy make your vision a reality. Forethoughtful companies inspire self-management, align digital professionals’ career goals with strategic business goals and build the culture of learning, risk-tolerance, and experimentation. The selection of roles is done automatically and naturally, focusing on creating the right organizational culture, where people can take ownership of their processes and believe better-than-expected results, creativity is encouraged and the true meritocracy is inspired. In fact, business growth and innovation today are heavily dependent on those talented people who have the fitting mentality, aptitude and attitude that, with autonomy, bring positive energy to the workplace.

In the team setting, a self-organizing and high performance team is usually a cohesive group of people with cognitive differences or complementary skills. To gain empowerment, teams or individuals need to earn the level of trust. Trustworthy relationships are important to shape a strong self-managing team and hold managers or staff to their accountability. People have full authority on the practices, processes, tools, engineering methods they would like to use to build the products and deliver services/solutions continually. The high degree of the team’s self-management capability reflects its maturity to be disciplined enough to do the work well in a dynamic environment.

Organizational ecosystem autonomy: Consider nature and culture as self-organized but interlaced environments, and humans are vehicles of natural and cultural solutions. The interdependent business environment keeps evolving, the digital paradigm shift represents the next stage of business maturity which will improve how the enterprise works and interacts with its ecosystem with a high degree of autonomy. So either people, teams, or organizations as organic systems need to adapt themselves through a collaborative and peer to peer approach to better adapt to changes and build a fluid digital ecosystem with autonomy.

Companies today need to cultivate a climate that is conducive to growth rather than using catch-phrases that make things look good, but having disconnectivity and incoherence within the organization. Business leaders today have to understand the complexity and interconnectivity of the business ecosystem, make hierarchical business systems adaptive; and proactively facilitate continuous digital dialogue to engage employees, customers, partners across the boundaries for sharing ideas and co-solving problems effectively. Business resources should be managed at the level of the ecosystem, rather than managing as individual pieces, to improve business effectiveness and maturity.

An autonomous organization is a self-adaptive system which is able to re-configure its own structure and change its own behavior during the execution of its adaptation to continuous environmental changes for improving business efficiency, effectiveness, responsiveness and flexibility. It also implies a creative working environment in which people can relate to themselves and to their experience of their environment and others around them, which will lead to greater autonomy.


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