Saturday, July 24, 2021


How we hold ourselves accountable and those around us sets the tone and pace for everyone not just for today, but for the next generations to come...

Accountability is not only to accept the responsibility for what you DO - the actions or behaviors, but also what you SAY - the knowledge sharing or feedback giving. 

Self accountability and collective accountability is that we each are creating knowingly or unknowingly the world or surroundings that we find ourselves in, and we take responsibility and we grow with it to reach the state of maturity.

Accountability goes hand in hand with the delegation of authority or power
: Accountability is a part of personal integrity. If you ensure the individuals have autonomy within their tasks or assignment, you will be able to address performance on an equal partnership basis. Accountability is a two way street and is only as effective as the people who value and believe in it. When people can "become brilliant on the basics" and when everyone understands how the business operates - then they will see a workplace with respect, genuine engagement, mutual understanding, trust, optimism, and accountability.

Leadership and accountability must go hand in hand: Accepting responsibility is when we prove our values and build our trust. Teams of any kind will follow only if the leader is credible. We are all leaders participating in our many systems connected to everyone. How we hold ourselves accountable and those around us sets the tone and pace for everyone not only for today, but for the next generations to come.

Lack of accountability is often one of the biggest obstacles to getting things done, or cause change inertia: You will be held accountable is on the face of it, not a bad thing, you have the freedom to do whatever needs to be done, and the responsibility to ensure you do your best to bring about a good outcome. The informal leaders or subject matter experts may not have control, and should not be held completely accountable, but they can still impact on things through influence and should be held to using what tools they have to positively impact the outcome.

Shared accountability or collective accountability involves shared ownership, empathetic communication; the true measure of accountability is about resilience. How we hold ourselves accountable and those around us sets the tone and pace for everyone not just for today, but for the next generations to come.


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