Wednesday, July 7, 2021


Leadership is about the future for unlocking the potential of their organization

Organizations face a complex reality, environment plays an important role, every industry is different, enterprise culture is unique, so their formula to business success is also different. Leadership is often the key to drive innovation and build differentiated advantages. 

The future is in our hands; leadership is not about who is ahead, but who has the vision to see further with clarity. We have to reinvent what leadership is with new approaches to instill passion and inspire creativity.

Can they lead proficiently? -what combination of leadership and technical capabilities, experience and aptitudes defines creative leaders? Leadership is about direction and change. Great leaders, regardless of title or personality characteristics, need to build hardcore expertise and develop multiple-core skills, based on the understanding of their particular organization's current and potential corporate structure, senior management style, and strategic plan. Creative is one of the most needed professional competencies. There’s no exception of leadership. Practicing creative leadership takes a certain mental, psychological and conditional chemistry to break away from thoughts that others have thought about or conventional wisdom. Good leadership personality/skills testing covers critical thinking, problem-solving, handling pressure, creativity, innovation, inventiveness and communications.

A creative leader without systemic thinking might lack a structured frame to keep focus. The business drives the structure and it tries to ensure a balance between the cultural “why,” the economic “what” and the political “how.” So given the opportunity, establishing an enabling leadership structure in line with business ambition and desired direction, and nurturing innovative culture within it. Creative leaders improve their organizational structural flexibility, interweaving the leadership structure and organizational structure so that everyone in the organization is closer to the organization’s leadership, or having some sort of direct line to give everyone an opportunity to contribute to the vision seems like the best way to inspire innovation, accelerate business performance and improve organizational maturity.

Can they communicate fluently -how can they collaborate and influence via facilitating dialogue to forge consensus and collectively achieve objectives from structural innovation practices, etc:
Leadership is situational, there is the time you need to lead ahead and facilitate answers, there’s the time you might need to lead from behind, and ask insightful questions. The good question is thought-provoking, bringing a multifaceted perspective and being able to adjust the lingo to suit the audience. Creative leaders have the courage to lead boldly by asking “Why not,” to articulate the strategic rationale; boost creative energy by asking "What if” to reimagine new possibilities; open communication by asking “How about” to bring up a fresh viewpoint. Asking the right questions helps to validate how thoroughly and deeply your team’s thinking is on a particular issue.

Oftentimes, small innovations keep on happening and go unnoticed because those are taken for granted; because none is able to connect those with the larger picture. Innovative leaders understand the context by reading between the lines, to "smell" creativity by pondering what’s the “expression” of an innovative culture; to catalyze innovation by handling conflict and creative tension effectively. No one innovates alone. Ideally, innovation leaders are innovators themselves. But you need synergy and collaborative teams with "liquid" talent flowing to where it’s needed. Leaders who are open, collaborative and willing to listen to employees are more likely to be successful innovators. They can collaborate and influence with strong delegation skills, and give the freedom to employees to do anything new and even if it fails, they learn from it and grow only to make better products in future.

Can they make the leap? The critical considerations when assessing next-generation top leaders are innovative and transformative: There is a hyperdiversity of the workforce today as multi-generational, multicultural, and multi-divicing professionals work together to cross the organizational boundary, not to mention that innovative companies evolve their customers, partners and variety of stakeholders in the conversations. Thus, the future of leaders have to deal with opposing views, cultures, constraints and competition. They are able to influence perception into a positive movement of followership to reach a shared vision.

To make a leap and lift their companies up to the next growth cycle, innovation is indeed a secret source, some leaders recognize the importance of it and they try to "force" it, but it does not really work. Creative Leadership is the willingness to see the emerging possibilities, to take risks, to both push the envelope and pull all important success factors, to go beyond what is expected, to deliver above and beyond the call of duty. The key to innovation success is to integrate the next generation of leaders, integrate leadership development with all other policies and procedures by tapping their potential, supporting them in leading projects and giving them responsibilities early on, so their companies will have a better chance to stay relevant and thrive to become industrial leaders.

Leadership is about the future for unlocking the potential of their organization. Creative leaders are in demand to have the strategic mind and skillset to prioritize and be selective on their innovation business agenda, contribute to leadership development and business development, generate new business models, solve problems innovatively, ultimately, pull their business in the right direction and accelerate performance with qualitative and quantitative results.


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