Wednesday, August 4, 2021


We have a predisposition to seeking patterns, or potentially in the pursuit of logic.

Logic is a thinking process where a result is derived from a thought. Logic the sequence of how to get things done. Logic is part of language; logic could be either scientific or philosophical. Logic is the hidden clue of human society.

Logic is a part of the language, a deep structure of language: It began with Aristotelian logic. Aristotle discovered logic and syllogism by analysis of language. All languages have grammars and structures, but there is always logic deep inside. You cannot conceive of a natural language without logic, and you certainly cannot conceive of an artificial language like a programming language or a mathematical language like predicate calculus without logic. Logic is a part of the language, a deep structure of language.

Logic is the hidden clue of meaningful things or the multithreaded cause-effect relationships of complex situations: By logic, it’s not necessarily mean a system of logic such as formal logic. It is a logically constructed mind that is imposed on us and defines our way of thinking. Thought follows with thoughts to generate innate ideas or make effective decisions. The clarity of thought is based on clear logic and reasoning. Human thought is characterized by expansion in multiple directions, rather than in one direction, and based on the concept that there are multiple starting points from which one can apply logic to problem-solving.

Intuition and logic actually are the “hybrid truth”: Many may think intuition is opposite to logic, but more precisely, an intuitive mind is a complementary thought process to rational thinking. Intuition is the quality or ability to have such direct perception or quick insight, we may call intuition as quick logic. Being intuitive doesn’t mean that you lack knowledge or lack of training. More often, you need to train many times consciously, in order to gain quick logic.

We have a predisposition to seeking patterns, or potentially in the pursuit of logic. Logic is crucial, but don’t ignore creativity, or sometimes gut-feelings. If logic and reason were the only keys, all problems would have been solved long ago.


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