Friday, July 2, 2021


An effective persuasive architecture helps business executives, architects, and designers to understand that design, empathy, and humanity are interconnected; communication is the bridge to connect vision and reality.

Digital is the age of people. One of the future trends is for corporations to realize that Customer Experience Design should be part of the business strategy crafted by senior executives. There are different languages for leadership and business communication, one of which is "persuasion," the capability to convince and influence. As an emerging domain, persuasive architecture plays a significant role in shaping contemporary enterprises as either a communication tool to facilitate continuous digital dialogues or a design tool to improve customer centricity.

Leverage persuasive architecture to integrate user experience into strategic communication and decision management systems: The digital era upon us is about people. People-centricity is vital for business growth, development and to make sure you stay in business in the long run. User Experience =taking actions on discrete interactions by looking at the system, it’s usually associated with people who have transacted business relationships with a company, and therefore have an overall impression of the organization’s products and services. Thus, User Experience is related to strategy, and it should be integrated into strategic communication and business decision processes with the application of architecture tools to make a significant impact and truly deliver multidimensional value such as economical value, customer value, brand value, etc.

Customers are the center of innovation. The more customer-facing innovation is, the higher the customer satisfaction would become.The strategic objective of User Experience is to understand what your customers need from the standpoint of rigorous user understanding, and to help the business orient itself towards those needs in pursuit of its strategic goals. Creating innovative products that are profitable to the business while being exciting to customers. It's important to shape a clear User Experience vision, convey persuasive communication, build a holistic business strategy, you can have tactical and calculated deviation, special cases and exceptions, but their combined effect would push user-experience to your perceived vision.

See User Experience in Whole-Part-Whole sequence but with a purpose
: Persuasiveness is the property which is needed to accomplish something, So there must be a higher layer above persuasiveness which identifies its needs and when, where and how much of it can be used. This layer above persuasion is strategic where user experience is able to align with business strategies and is able to see User Experience in Whole-Part-Whole sequence but with a purpose, with a reason, under a well-thought, well-conceived strategy. So an effective persuasive architecture tool helps business executives and designers to understand that design, empathy, and humanity are interconnected. Customer experience with sequential logic has a clear purpose to delight customers, embed people-centricity into the corporate culture, demonstrate a strong corporate brand and reach the next level of organizational maturity.

Strategically oriented leaders are empathetic communicators who can leverage persuasive architecture or related tools to convey a clear vision about how to build a purpose driven organization to engage employees by pondering: Is it teamwork to design intuitive products or services based on well-set principles, or do you have to count on very few talented designers to convey the art? Is your user experience design holistic to reflect “Whole-Part-Whole” sequence with purpose? Does it go beyond pretty interface, wireframe, and become an integral and innovative business solution? Strategic designers are complex problem-solvers who demonstrate business knowledge, technology expertise and a rich understanding of users into innovative and compelling products or services. It’s crucial to make people feel involved in the design and implementation scenario, showing customers that you put a great amount of effort into delivering intuitive products, services, or solutions which closely meet their needs.

User experience includes the practical, experiential, interactive, effective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human-computer interaction and product ownership: Design = forming human-made products or services to be pleasing and preferred by people. Design lifts up the organizational maturity from functioning to firm to delight. Design = Art for expression, visualization, interaction, delight. Design = Science for experimentation, implementation, technical complexity behind the scenes. The design-mature teams or organizations can apply persuasive architecture or other design tools to work collaboratively and competitively in making things likable and deliver them continually. User experience is part of a cohesive innovation discipline. It requires a cross-functional design-driven and customer-centric paradigm for innovation management and cross-domain disciplines.

Point out that customer inquiries are not just support related, but can foster creative ways the application can perform and optimize every touch point of customer experience. An intuitive user interface can make the high-quality products/services even more qualified. Customer-facing applications are critical as at the end of the day, they generate revenue for the business and improve the organizational brand value. Communication and persuasion are important, as it’s critical to recognize customer champions and invite customers into business conversations and collect their feedback regarding what specific elements make a really enjoyable/great experience for them).

Since there are many elements to customer-centricity, the key to success is to focus on something that will "move the needle." Assuming the company has great products or services, creating meaningful, relevant, and compelling differentiation in the mind of customers is the challenge, and a journey with many steps from communication to innovation. Keep in mind, persuasive architecture is just a tool, not the end, the end is to allow a better fit for the business purpose; and improve customer experiences seamlessly, with the goal to reap the business benefit for the long term.


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