Saturday, December 18, 2021


Interdisciplinary science can be applied to management by integrating knowledge, methodologies, enabling leaders and professionals to frame bigger thinking boxes, and manage business by taking the multi-faceted approach.

In the era of “VUCA” reality, we will be confronting a number of high-complex problems in the hyper-connected world, the business solutions will require an integration of different sets of knowledge and digital insight across multiple disciplines. 

The interdisciplinary science can be applied to business management which involves philosophy, psychology, and education, etc., enable business leaders or professionals to form bigger thinking boxes, to work across the multiple boxes, and resolve problems holistically.

Philosophy is the mother of all sciences, involving examining basic concepts such as truth, existence, reality, causality, and freedom, etc: Philosophy is a Greek portmanteau of the love of wisdom. Philosophy is the foundation upon which science has been built and continues to put forth the questions which help to move science onward and upward. Philosophy is the compass for us to pursue truth and a foundation to develop a thought framework for inferential reasoning of deep questions or complex problems at the abstract level.

Philosophy is methodical and has deliberate processes for identifying questions, doing critical reasoning, identifying faulty reasoning, and thinking outside the box. As philosophy comprises logic, aesthetics, ethics, metaphysics, ontology, and epistemology. Philosophical problem-solvers abstract the quintessential from complexity, encourage people to ask big “why” questions, discover the root cause of problems, not only to solve the problems, but to dissolve them.

Psychology helps to understand people at cognitive or emotional level for gaining empathy or digging into root causes of problems: Psychology is about mindset and attitude; the thoughts and perceptions of issues and surroundings. One of the most influencing aspects of people's psychology is how they perceive the world around them and how they relate to it. Understanding people via a psychological lens helps to awaken possibilities in people to deliver extraordinary results and unlock human potential.

We live in the era of people-centricity, forward-looking organizations have a strong focus on people. In essence, leadership is an influence, starting at the psychological vision with empathetic understanding. The very goal of leadership is to instill positive psychology, predict and shape human behaviors, and improve emotional intelligence of people. By understanding the proving psychological concepts and practicing them, businesses can instill positive psychology in their workforce, build a culture of learning and innovation, and ultimately achieve high performance results.

Education provides a broader and progressive view of the world with a knowledge lens:
Education provides great value to the mass of people and our society for advancing humanity as it should promote all positive perspectives of humanity such as accumulated knowledge, value creation, cultural cognition, collective wisdom, etc. Quality education should meet the need for helping people to develop a learning attitude, enhancing discipline, improving thinking skills or meta-learning skills – “learn how to learn.”

Being knowledgeable is not enough in the digital era in which commoditized knowledge is only a click away. Quality education instills passion to learn, encourages independent thinking, and empowers receivers to refine their own knowledge resources, explore who they are and who they want to be. Education shouldn't become a constraint to limit one's imagination, but needs to promote creative thinking. Quality education today is able to open, not close one’s mind, inspire more minds to learn, help receivers recognize opportunities, give them the ability to pursue opportunities; help them strike the right balance of self-esteem and humility; in-box and out-of-box thinking, questioning and answering.

Nowadays the digital world has become so hyper-connected and interdependent, it’s no surprise that we will see more of a cross disciplinary knowledge sharing and collaboration for solving complex problems. Interdisciplinary science can be applied to management by integrating knowledge, methodologies, enabling leaders and professionals to frame bigger thinking boxes, and manage business by taking the multi-faceted approach.


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