Saturday, December 11, 2021


Culture is a soft, but tough element which can harden the hardest.

Every organization exhibits a culture. The departments within the organization have a culture. Anytime people work together for an extended period of time, a culture is formed. What is the culture – culture is collective mindsets, attitudes, and behaviors. Culture is what you observe when the managers are not around.

 Culture is a set of corporate values and an invisible piece of business brand. A company's culture, which is heavily ingrained and implicit and not directly perceptible, is also very hard to change and changes slowly if at all.

Culture & strategy: Culture is about the natural response and behaviors that an organization demonstrates. As the saying goes: culture eats strategy for dinner. The degree to which culture supports strategy depends upon the degree to which culture unifies its efforts to realize critical success factors, and thus implement successful strategies. Culture is intangible, but directly makes a significant impact on the effectiveness of strategy execution. Changing an organization’s culture is not so easily done because traditions are closely held as norms, values, and beliefs. It takes effort and time to cultivate a desired culture. Once that culture is established as part of the DNA of the organization, then the success rate of strategy management can be increased significantly.

Successful strategies and successful culture are interdependent. Culture is invisible, but it’s the most powerful glue that surrounds businesses today. Every business has a culture or a set of culture. The divergent workgroups that operate within the system also have a culture. Their demeanor, how they relate to one another, how they confront issues and resolve them is due to culture. Strategy is driven by culture, for culture is the framework in which strategy is held for effect benefit and growth. Also, a strategy that strikes a chord with the majority of people with high influence in an organization can influence culture as well.

Culture and competency:
Culture is a sort of business competency. Cultural competency arises in the manifestation of the company’s differentiated advantage both internally and in the market environment. If the internal is not properly addressed the external will also suffer. Culture competency is also the foundation of building other unique competencies of the business. A unique culture perhaps cultivates a creative environment for the company to develop innovative products/services, has an impact on the type of services or products finally created, and builds differentiated competency.

Culture could be considered part of the people skills/competencies component to model a business capability. The culture of an organization is an indicator of the competency parameters at their best. Culture of authenticity, accountability, and problem-solving enables the business management to pull the people in the right direction for accelerating strategy execution. The good leaders focus on solutions, not on blame. They also encourage employees to do the same, stay focused, reward innovation and excellence. Make wise investment on the differentiated competencies that the organization needs to build, and the ones that the organization needs to preserve to be capable of executing the strategy.

Culture and brand:
Intrinsic reflection of culture is corporate character; extrinsic reflection of culture is business brand. It is not necessarily an easy task to "brand" in a competitive and seemingly unforgiving market-driven environment. To build a consistent strong brand name, the management needs to do the culture health check: Is “what you look '' consistent with “who you are”? What’s the customer’s impression of your brand? Do you offer great rewards to your most loyal customers to make them feel special, and advocate your brand? What does the brand stand for, how the company wants its stakeholders to see and perceive the brand name, the connotation it wants its stakeholders to associate to, and the primary activities through which the brand name gets communicated? Either individually or in the corporate setting, branding values are practicing behaviors in oneself. In order to build a people-centric band, awareness of those cultural roadblocks helps to shape the organization’s change mindsets, habits, and behaviors.

Culture represents the ethos of the organization, brings speed to market, competitive advantage and defines your brand coherently. If culture embraces the future, inspires others, being customer centric, and then, it forms the dynamic business environment and high-mature digital organization. And don’t forget to train the staff, they are the brand ambassadors and customer champions. Branding is not something that takes time away from the fundamentals of operations, execution, and management. It is instead a methodology, a different way of looking at how you do things, and double check why you do them. Culture inspection is part of necessary efforts to enhance branding. Sometimes, even a very small improvement can leverage a new way of doing things, bring an outside view, and shift the paradigm to get digital ready.

There are diverse dimensions of cultural perspectives; generally speaking, strong, adaptive cultures tend to nurture higher business performers, compared to those with weak or non-adaptive cultures. Culture is a soft, but tough element which can harden the hardest. A cohesive culture creates team synergy, catalyzes digital transformation and improves overall organizational maturity.


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