Friday, December 3, 2021


Being innovative is about overcoming the “we always do things like that” mentality and figuring out different ways to do things.

Being innovative means you need to get used to stepping outside the old box into unfamiliar territory, you discover and explore your own path. Innovators find more viewing spots than the rest. They discover angles to wiggle through where most are unable to even envision a place where there is an angle. They have the ability to connect unusual dots and see things via the broader lens.

Innovation & Intrapreneurship:
Intrapreneurship has been recognized as a potentially viable and innovative exploring activity. With an increasing pace of changes and frequent disruptions, the existing business models or best practices are outdated sooner than ever and the “commonly known” method is no longer working anymore when the circumstances change. Advocating intrapreneurship in the "corporate" world has a lot to do with fostering an innovative environment to disrupt outdated mindsets, processes, cultures, business models, or practices, advocate changes, inspire innovation and accelerate the speed of changes.

Being entrepreneurial is first the mindset, then an attitude and skills are the easier part to be developed. Intrapreneurs demonstrate a willingness to “not know” and be able to source new possibilities; ask tough questions, channel energy, enthusiasm, and ideas, break the rules if necessary, propose and deploy new ideas, new processes, new adventures to adapt to change. Intrepreneur leaders have an open mind, balanced viewpoints to perceive success and failure objectively, show flexibility, break outdated rules, and present resilience. They do not get stuck at “we always do things like that” mentality, but leverage creativity tools (exploring, divergence, convergence) to arrive at a useful new box and figure out an alternative solution. Such mental toughness will help an organization become more resilient to gain benefit by thinking and doing things differently.

Innovation & Integration: Innovation is how to transform novel ideas to achieve its business value. Innovating in today’s digital world has become increasingly complex in nature, often, organizations can no longer rely on a single individual or team to drive innovation, but a cross-domain collaboration. It’s important to bring a more integral, holistic perspective that can fix the misperception by integrating quality information, exploring multiple thought processes and varying opinions, willing to listen to the diverse viewpoints for understanding things as the whole, with interconnected parts and interdependent relations for managing and scaling up innovation systematically.

Being innovative is all about disrupting outdated thinking and old ways to do things, such as silo, dysfunction, complication, rigidity, etc, and pursuing an alternative way to solve problems. Information is an intensive piece of innovation nowadays. In terms of information-based problem-solving, people filter the information that comes their way, it often needs to refine information into business insight, integrate different stereotyped or mechanistic viewpoints, and search for fresh viewpoints that holistically examine a situation in order to solve the problem innovatively.

Innovation is a unique competency. Integration as a core business capability to enable the transition from a small innovation initiative to demonstrate value to a completely integrated solution. In many organizations, the overly rigid hierarchy and functional gaps create bottlenecks that prevent information flow and slow down business speed. Thus, organizations should consolidate, modernize, integrate, innovate, and optimize business processes, products, services, and capabilities all the time. And business management should pay specific attention to integration, quality, standards, regulations, etc, for improving the overall innovation manageability of the organization.

Innovation & Intuition: Uncertainty and risk-taking are the natural part of innovation, that’s why gut feeling or intuition plays a role for moving forward. Being intuitive is when you have a gut feeling about something. It is when there isn’t an exact answer to the puzzle because you don’t have all the pieces. Innovators are able to leverage their gut feelings for making bold decisions and taking actions promptly. Chaos needs to be navigated by intuition, but great innovators know how to put things together, and figure out innovative solutions.

Not every intuitor is an innovator, but many innovations have intuition in it. Cognitively, intuition is not about the emotional side of the mind only; sometimes it’s an inner calling. There's a critical link between innovation and intuition. Maybe creativity is more a process like flow. It starts somewhere, it is thought over, it is brought into relation and it is worked out. Intuition can help you "think fast," spur innovation, and avoid pitfalls on the way. To assess the effectiveness of intuitiveness, it’s important to clarify: Have you had an opportunity to learn, do you have sufficient knowledge? In learning, did you get good feedback? Are you truly an expert? As intuition is sort of fluency based on your knowledge or expertise, sometimes it can help you make better decisions about innovation, as well as take actions courageously.

Organizations and their people learn through their interactions with the environment. Being innovative is about overcoming the “we always do things like that” mentality and figuring out different ways to do things. Innovators need to rise above the status quo and take on a new set of activities that have them involved in creative problem-solving and transformative changes.


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