Wednesday, December 22, 2021


Digital leaders are lifetime learners with a thirst for knowledge, insight, and wisdom.

Leadership is all about the future, change or innovation. There is a saying that there are leadership opportunities at any given point in time where one or more people congregate to achieve a common goal. This would support the “circumstantiality” between leadership and achievement. 

Leadership is a philosophy plus a set of best or next practices. Leadership is intangible, but there are many tangible ingredients to make it shine.

Leadership is generic to set visions and lead business transformation: Leadership vision is to be a guiding light that steers the organization in the right direction. It is how you see the future unfolding, how you dream about what the future will look like from your standpoint. Being a leader means giving people confidence on where to go based on leadership vision, as well as how to get there based on a good strategy. As vision is the future you want to realize from a coordinated effort. A strategy is a mid to long term planning that guides the team through, supporting them and also stretching them to live to their full potential, both individually and collaboratively, to achieve desired outcomes.

Change unfolds into a wider multi-dimensionally systemic continuum; business leaders have to reimagine the future of the business. The essence of vision is in its whole simplicity of perceptual connection of the moment and the future, and shows the direction to move the business forward smoothly. It is a clear choice among future scenarios that advocates emerging trends and promotes advanced mindsets and actions. From a problem-solving perspective, vision is a foresight with a proactive understanding of cause and effect, not reactive seeing. Vision needs to be a good metaphor – “the guiding light” so that people can see themselves and their work reflected in it, the organization as a vehicle can drive through the tough journey to reach it ultimately.

Leadership is a competency within itself and the greatest leaders are authentic to continue discovering who they are: Becoming a leader is a process of becoming your true authentic self in all that you are today and "to be" in the future. The intention of becoming a leader is to inspire and innovate, to improve and advance, to facilitate and encourage, as change is often an uncomfortable, yet necessary part of reaching the future and maintaining success. An authentic leader fills a certain gap or multiple gaps from mindset to skill set in order to lead to the future effectively.

Leadership is complex, although it has many facets, at its core, the foundation of leadership is based on authenticity. Rather than looking for examples of leaders out there, look within yourself When you dig deeper in yourselves, the questions arise: Who are you? What makes you unique? Where do your thoughts come from? Why do you want to lead, and are you the leader you wish to see in the world? When you get some answers to these questions and get some clarity, the fountain of thought starts to flow, it helps you in identifying your intention to lead, which instills action to serve the vision that is perceived as leadership for the right cause.

Leadership is situational and there are numerous variables that need to be leveraged in assessing leadership effectiveness: In Situational Leadership, it appears there are different types of leaders suited or needed for different situations. Circumstances create sets of conditions that evoke leadership in individuals who are inclined and ready to take the lead. In “VUCA” reality, leadership is situational to deal with uncertainty and ambiguity, make discernment and establish insight into leadership approach and style in different situations.

Contemporary leadership skills required for professionals in any organization must be built on the foundation of the moral competencies – justice, courage, temperance, and wisdom etc. An ongoing process of leadership practices, the incorporation of lessons learned and the realization of "it isn't the failure that keeps you out of sight, but how you respond to it," leads to success stories being published as opposed to failures being repeated. Situational leadership is affected by context, culture, including capability and resources, and the means to an end, rather than defined by the end result.

Leadership is the right mix of substances and styles. Leadership trends continue to emerge due to increasing speed of changes and imminent challenges facing the business and the world. Digital leaders are lifetime learners with a thirst for knowledge, insight, and wisdom. More people today are willing to be leaders for the ability to influence through their personalized leadership styles and practices. The power of effective leadership depends on a number of factors such as the purpose to lead, cognitive abilities to understand from different perspectives; the mix of knowledge and experience to coach, the quality of information they receive and their collective leadership ability to operate as a team. It is the journey of continuous learning and making leadership influence.