Thursday, August 4, 2022


Business leaders have to dive deeper to see the invisible in order to read digital sentiment clearly.

Culture is collective mindset, attitude & behavior. To design and build a high performance culture, one part of the assessment is to evaluate the current culture; get employees to identify what the ideal culture would look like. 

The management should advocate clarity and transparency, apply innovative thinking to tailor their needs for developing or reinventing culture as their corporate asset, track culture as their corporate brand, catalyze culture as their soft competency and improve culture as their differentiated advantage.

Culture & capability: Culture represents the 'box' in which decisions and actions occur. It becomes the way people in the organizational setting discover themselves, do business to delight customers. Culture needs to be harmonized when people cross teams, cross geographical locations, cross-function, or cross-industries work together for building unique competencies. Insightful business management should have an in-depth understanding of which traits in culture are needed to encourage change and what capabilities are critical to build long-term business competency. To unlock corporate performance, culture change needs to be proactive, structural, and ensure culture progress is the collaborative effort of all people who can make improvements they would like to see.

Capability maturity and culture maturity mutually reinforce each other. Great culture is the foundation to expedite capability development cycle. Cultural aspect is an intrinsic factor that impacts corporate capability maturity and drives the organization's business longevity. As an organization with an excellent culture is arguably capable of giving great results in their competencies. Thus, culture is a crucial aspect of developing solid business capabilities. By building a cohesive culture, organizations can continually sharpen their unique capabilities and improve business performance.

Culture & structure: Traditional organizations are often silo-based and strictly hierarchical. With unprecedented uncertainty and interdependence, the digital organization is adaptively rational, it has to strike the balance of “keeping the order,” and sparking innovation smoothly. It’s important to break down silos, flex the organizational structure, keep information and ideas flow frictionlessly. To reinvent a culture of learning and creativity, the organizational restructure effort should leverage the emerging digital technologies and platforms for improving cross-functional communication, mass collaboration, and harnessing innovation.

Digital companies today are inherently and intensely complex and unpredictable systems. Their organizational design shifts from inside-out process-driven to outside-in people-centric. The “organizational structure design problem” would be to build the “best” mix of organizational elements that enable the organizational interdependence and cross-boundary communication & collaboration. Fine-tuning underlying business structure and processes is actually a critical step for improving a culture of changes.

Culture & governance:
Culture needs to be changed to adapt to the emerging digital trends and pull strategy management towards the right decision. The good GRC disciplines enforce a culture of high performance and harness management discipline. Effective leaders build governance standards and a set of GRC practices, help to nurture a creative culture with the very characteristics of accountability, innovativeness, cohesiveness, etc. A holistic GRC needs to move more and more to be the hub and harbinger of culture and values, to unlock collective business performance.

The greatest risk for organizations today will be a real business/reputation issue that is not being properly identified or managed. Strong governance enhances accountability which goes hand in hand with the delegation of authority or power, and harnesses a culture of self-management. If organizations feel stifled by effective governance discipline, it means they have not reached the high level of business maturity yet, or put another way, they are undisciplined. Organizations should identify patterns for good governance, advocate a culture of people centricity by promoting employee engagement, motivation, and innovation as these are vital aspects of top-performing enterprises at the intersection of knowledge and creative economy.

Business leaders have to dive deeper to see the invisible in order to read digital sentiment clearly. They should drive culture change, if necessary, to adapt to the emerging digital trends and pull strategy execution towards the right decision. Then, they can integrate strategy, people, change, culture, process, structure, etc, into a holistic approach to improve the overall organizational manageability.


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