Saturday, January 1, 2022


Individual contributions provide the 'building block' of creativity, creativity can manifest in a collective environment.

It’s the beginning of the new year with an innovation theme; being innovative is a growth mindset and proactive attitude. Organizations today have to make strategic choices all the time about where and when and how they innovate, putting emphasis on identifying, developing unique innovation capabilities. 

There is a paradigm shift that is taking place in accelerating innovation and building a scalable innovation ecosystem. It’s important to connect wider dots for spurring fresh ideas and catalyzing innovation.

Innovation and contextualization:
Contextualization broadens perspectives and digs deeper; so people can connect wider dots, shape the new box of thinking and work through the context to inspire alliance for innovating. The art and science of innovative problem-solving are in the creation of the context, to capture the objective big picture perspectives. Organizations today are often multicultural, multigenerational and multi-devicing, in order to solve problems creatively, digital leaders and professionals today need to develop their own language, listen to diverse opinions for embracing different perspectives, make the proper framing to gain a contextual understanding of issues in order to come up with innovative solutions.

You cannot wait for the “aha” moments to innovate, keep curious, think profoundly, learn fresh knowledge, and acquire new capabilities. Innovation is the change to tackle complexities of the business dynamic, but within itself, it needs to change as well. Innovation is the process that can be managed and optimized. That means contextual thinking, interdisciplinary knowledge, efficient technological platforms and tools, and structural management practices, etc, are all important factors in innovation management. Ultimately, innovation isn't what you do; it's what you deliver for premium results to delight customers, and how being innovative becomes the state of mind and core differentiator of the business.

Innovation & Introspection: Innovativeness is a state of mind. Introspection helps us open our “mental window” via reflection, learning, understanding, and improving, etc, freeing our mind from mundane tasks, and taking a unique path to rejuvenate passion and generate fresh ideas. Introspection is a sort of mind crafting activity, involving self-reflection and self-discovery, to look in yourself and embrace all of you. Awareness is the light that makes this process smooth. Creative people release a positive aura and create energy. Their intellectual curiosity, proactive attitudes, the blend of knowledge and ingenuity, as well as the right dose of confidence, are all valid within the context of creative intelligence.

With rapid change and overloaded information, introspection is a cognitive process to shift from mindset to mind-flow; it allows the mind to seek possibility, rather than self-limited, finding connections between experiences, people, things, ideas, etc., and making literally or figuratively something new from those insights to spur innovation all the time. If life is a journey to pursue "better you," introspection builds the mental strength to become the updated version of you. To set the innovative tone for the new year, what is needed right now is continuously flexing your mind, completely away from being set in a fixed way via healthy learning cycles and nurturing creativity provocatively.

Innovation and harmonization
: Innovation often happens at the intersection of people and processes. The harmonized workplace is in which the silo has been taken down to keep information flow, decision bottlenecks have been broken down by reducing business tensions, frictions; collaboration and sharing are the norms, learning and creativity are encouraged. The enterprise can renew the creative energy and rejuvenate their organization by developing the culture of learning and engaging customers/partnerships in their continuous digital conversations and feedback management. It also ensures that interdependencies and loyalties between partners are taken into account and builds up a strong innovative ecosystem with harmony.

Creating a context where people can collaborate where they are empowered and respected and co-develop fresh ideas is the essence of innovation excellence and business harmony. The innovation managers need to check: Are management processes developed to help communicate objects and concepts smoothly without “lost in translation.” Are management processes developed to reduce tensions, frictions, and conflicts that arise? Are the practices of innovation management interactional? Innovation leadership is more about influencing, mentoring, empowering, harmonizing and orchestrating, creating a harmonized working environment by communicating smoothly to make collective decisions and taking a collaborative road to innovate and make continuous deliveries.

An enterprise has always been part of simple or complex ecosystems, and it has to be linked to the many and varied “touch points” between itself and the marketplace environment of which it is a part. Often, innovation is a multi-disciplinary effort which would apply nonlinear thinking to provide better opportunities. While the individual contributions provide the 'building block" of creativity, creativity can manifest in a collective environment. Highly innovative organizations embed innovation into every aspect of their organization, manifest creativity from an individual endeavor to a team activity and a collective effort, the horizon of creativity is expanded, creativity effect is amplified and innovation becomes the very theme of the business transformation.


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