Sunday, January 2, 2022


The new paradigm arises out of the emerging trends to reinforce the very characteristics of the digital business such as professional growth, innovation, and people-centricity.

The New Year is the time to make resolutions. Do not get stuck at the crossroad, keep building professional competency and take a journey of change with continuous delivery and improvement. 

Business leaders should do self-reflection by asking insightful questions and make objective assessments of their leadership effectiveness. Transformational leaders play a significant role in breaking down silos and breaking through conventional wisdom, leading changes in a bold way with the step-wise approach.

Can you lead transformative change or breakthrough innovation? Change is not easy, the workforce today is multi-generational and multicultural; each generation is defined by a set of stereotypes, perhaps has different worldviews, cultural perspective, education patterns, and learns differently through different media and methodologies. To unify common purposes and goals, bridge gaps, pull in the same direction for transformative changes, the logic scenario to build change management capability is to develop the initial value proposition and determine demand and estimated pipeline. Every individual, including the leader, has limited knowledge or viewpoint. So they need to be self-aware, learn from each other, share ideas, and viewpoints from different perspectives; collectively, so collaboratively, they can build a strong team with autonomy to not only manage quick wins, but also realize the long-term results through the iterative approach.

From envisioning to communicating changes, do not lose the vision for the big leap, long jump, and radical digital transformation. Every large scale of changes needs a roadmap or a change management agenda to build up the competency center, identify gaps, communicate buy-ins, empower the team, and amplify their knowledge power to solve complex business problems innovatively. It’s important to keep tuning change processes, build the organization-wide change network to seek constructive opinion, build mutual-trust, make consistent engagement and continuous improvement, develop the best and next change practices and scale up change effort seamlessly.

Can you drive team building and organizational learning
? To develop an organization with high changeability and learning agility, organizational leaders should make an objective assessment of their organization’s learning maturity and develop a highly effective learning framework with all important components to build the organizational learning competency. Organizational learning is acquired through a learning process involving discourse within the context of an organization's learning culture. To create a culture of learning means having pro-learning mindsets, particularly from top-down. Learning should help to open, not close one’s mind, inspire multidimensional thinking, recognize opportunities, update knowledge, and build unique competencies all the time.

Without learning, you cannot unleash collective human potential, and thus, the full potential of the business. If you fail to be aware and climb the learning curve, individuals or organizations will get static and lag behind. Digital learning is multidimensional, dynamic, flexible, interactive, informal and integrated. The digital platforms and technologies make learning more effective and innovative, enforce knowledge sharing and collaboration at large scale. Developing people capability and systems capability raise different "learning" issues.” The culture of learning fosters openness, information-sharing, critical and independent thinking and professionalism.

Do you have a positive and bold message and brand?
A company's brand is one of its most invaluable assets, and like any asset, it is the responsibility of senior leadership to protect and nurture it. The corporate brand is the consistent image that the organization presents to its customers, employees, business partners or other stakeholders. Thus, business leaders should identify what their brand stands for, how the company wants its stakeholders to see and perceive the brand name, the connotation it wants its stakeholders to associate to, and the primary activities through which the brand name gets communicated and spread out, so they can contribute to brand enhancement as a coherent effort of shaping the business vision and crafting good strategy.

Rebranding business starts with rebooting mindsets of leadership, followed by retooling management and training staff as the brand ambassadors. It’s important to develop a set of practices for promoting the brand name of a corporate entity, set a clear choice among future scenarios that advocate advancement, promote the organizational brand and encourage positive behaviors. The top management has to continually evaluate the management team to determine if the right strategy and culture are thriving in the organization and to proactively drive the future growth of the business and build a strong corporate brand.

As businesses get more cut-throat in the hyper-connected and interdependent business environment. Change is inevitable, and business transformation is the change but on a grand level. Forethoughtful leaders make good policies and set the right tones for encouraging creativity, motivating learning, enforcing risk-management. The new paradigm arises out of the emerging trends to reinforce the very characteristics of the digital business such as professional growth, innovation, and people-centricity. So individuals and organizations need to become more adaptive to changes, informative to decide and proactive to solve problems smoothly.


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