Thursday, August 4, 2022


Blogging is about pursuing the digital way to continuous communication, brainstorming and innovation.

The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 7 million page views with 9300+ blog postings in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. 

The “Digital Master” book series includes 29 books to share insight from the multidimensional digital lens and perceive the multi-faceted impact the digital era upon us is making to businesses and society. The content richness is not for its own sake, but to convey the vision and share the wisdom. Here is the weekly insight of innovation leadership, IT Management, and Talent Management to celebrate 9300 blog postings.

Initiateleadershipinfluence As we live in the hyper-diverse and interdependent world, leaders today should lead by influence, not via brute force. They can bridge a variety of gaps, facilitate innovation agenda, and orchestrate business transformation insightfully.

Initiategrcinfluence The governance is an organizational capability for risk mitigation, improving organizational effectiveness. Corporate risk management ensures you have the right level of risk control; corporate compliance enforces laws and regulations. That’s why they usually have been put into the overarching GRC (Governance, Risk, Compliance) umbrella.

Ingredientsinphilosophy Philosophy is an ongoing inquiry into the nature of things based on abstract reasoning; involving examining basic concepts such as truth, existence, reality, causality, and freedom in human society. The philosophy of abstraction is to convey wisdom, discover the very purpose of intelligent beings.

Investmentlogic Venture investment is an interdisciplinary pursuit and cross domain effort. In many circumstances, business management probably wouldn't know where to invest in new capabilities, even if the organization thought there was any value justification for making the investment. It’s important to understand the multipath logic underneath, do return on investment analysis, clarify the multifaceted value it projects to create

Initiatecollaborationframework Collaboration happens in that space between people in relationships receptively and thoughtfully interacting with interest and caring for one another's needs and activities. Collaboration is the route towards revitalizing the digital workforce to be future-ready for unlocking collective human potentiality. Building and sustaining dynamics in a workforce are about collaboration with people at any level, especially cross functionally. It’s critical to build an effective collaboration framework, set rules, align people, process and technology to bring people together for a clearly defined vision, create business synergy and achieve strategic goals effortlessly.

Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking of new ideas; sharing and innovating. It’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify diverse voices and deepen digital footprints, and it's the way to harness your innovative spirit.


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