Friday, September 16, 2022


 Business architecture is a useful tool to allow business management to predict the uncertainty and volatility of tomorrow, improve business knowledge effectiveness and organizational maturity.

A business architecture contains the organizational context and domain knowledge that defines the business interactions and interrelationships, reference and intelligence, etc. 

It is strategic to provide direction for the business design and transformation; it’s like the compass to guide the organization forward and create business value by setting good policies to encourage fitting mindsets and actions; optimize processes; evangelize the industry best practices for improving business management discipline.
Organizational policy and business architecture:
Architecture is like a compass tool for the organization to navigate through the right direction, implement a good strategy by setting up policy/guideline, to encourage good behaviors, and shape a set of desired culture to accelerate performance. Business architecture conveys organizational contextualization. It cares more about the abstract concepts of everything working together seamlessly, including policy, process, practices, psychological factors around change, and the output from all functional areas meshing together to satisfy business initiatives, executing strategy.

Good business architecture is an effective communication tool to improve business strategy & change management. Good policies are “shareware,” all parties should benefit from following them, to make the working environment fairer, engaging, and more productive to take cohesive actions in change management, and improve collective performance. People in high performance organizations follow good policies voluntarily for their own benefit, as well as enforce collaboration, professionalism and GRC disciplines.

Business process management & architecture: Both business architecture and business process management design and deployment are not for their own sake, but for understanding, managing and governing organizations better for achieving business agility. Those common purposes make process management and architecture interdependent disciplines. Business process management addresses the process aspects of business architecture, leading to all-encompassing enterprise architecture.

At the strategic level, business process management can be defined as a business management philosophy. It requires senior management understanding and strategic involvement, fine-tune process-aware information systems, enforce accountability and cultivate a culture receptive to business processes and its changes. The relationships of business processes in the context of the rest of the enterprise systems create greater capabilities when analyzing and planning enterprise changes and improving organizational agility, effectiveness and efficiency.

Architecture is an instrument to orchestrate knowledge management; knowledge management is a collection of best practices:
Business architecture practitioners put a lot of effort into evangelizing best practices, recommending best practices or next practices. Business architects look at best practices, as part of knowledge management effort, but there is far more involved in business architecture than simply collecting, selecting and implementing applicable best practices.

Business Architects gather, create, tweak and evangelize best practices as a small part of their portfolio. They choose best practices and align them within organization constraints, goals, strategies. Keep in mind though, the practices that are "best" today are almost always not "best" in the future, sometimes, it even becomes the very obstacle to progressive changes. Thus, it is always critical to develop the next practices for reinventing businesses to reach the next level of organizational maturity.

Business architecture is a practical tool for organizational leaders to blueprint the vision and recognize business transformation, have a very clear understanding of why their businesses exist, the value they bring to customers; seek strategic views of changes from multiple points of view, identify trade-offs; make choices, while continually remaining open to discover errors in one’s reasoning. Business architecture is a useful tool to allow business management to predict the uncertainty and volatility of tomorrow, improve business knowledge effectiveness and organizational maturity.


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