Tuesday, September 20, 2022


 Only initiatives that support the achievement of business goals or objectives should be implemented.

Change is the new normal, organizational leaders today should navigate through uncharted waters and blurred territories in a dynamic business environment and enhance an iterative management cycle to produce higher than expected results effectively. Initiative management is difficult. Without execution, strategy is only a shelfware; without implementation, ideas are only for entertaining; without achieving business results, IT initiative is only a technological challenge. 

It’s important for managers to take a holistic view of business initiatives, keep their eyes on the higher horizons, focus on what matters the most, identify what generates the most value for the company, express that in strategic objectives with clarity, and take stepwise strategy scenarios to implement business initiatives smoothly.

It takes a systematic approach and management discipline in implementation of strategic initiatives: In face of rapid change and unprecedented uncertainty, organizations across the industrial sectors today have to enable desirable emergent property, enforcing a dynamic strategic planning-implementation continuum. To improve the implementation success rate of business strategic initiatives, the best people to execute a strategy are those who have contributed to the development of it. Individual excellence should be mapped to link them to their capabilities and adequate recognition should be given to them for encouraging high performance.

Business leaders have to proactively drive strategy implementation in a dynamic and structural manner. Otherwise, the emergent business circumstances will continue to “disrupt” business normal. Adapting to change reactively only makes your organization lagging behind, even stagnating. It’s always important to build the right team with complementary skills and empower people to implement strategic initiatives effectively.

If idea creation is more art than science, idea implementation is more science than art: Creativity is the most needed professional competency and innovation is the best way to generate business advantage. If idea generation has an art in it, sometimes it’s happening at an aha moment; and then the nature of how the idea implementation has to follow a logical path for the solution and provides a great opportunity for the organization to shine based on its scientific discipline.

A highly innovative organization can leverage the robust, but not overly rigid processes for idea filtering and implementation, to improve innovation management effectiveness & efficiency. The key to the success of the innovation effort in an organization is to have the right people with creative abilities assigned to the right role for building highly innovative teams, enforce idea creation, interaction, to produce innovation outcomes continually.

IT initiatives and software development is an ongoing continuum:
Any initiative, even a very technical one should have a business objective associated with it. Cool software products increase user productivity and improve customer satisfaction. To improve software development productivity and maturity, machines, tools, information, and environments that designers & engineers use will become more powerful, easy-to-use, and knowledge-base.

Software is never done. It needs to be enhanced to be brought closer to ideal, and ideal is continuing to change. Agile principles and practices are in demand to advocate iteration, interaction, and improvement. This leads towards viewing software development as an ongoing improvement activity. You can only manage what you measure. To improve IT initiative performance, it requires the necessity to establish clear, understandable and easily calculable metrics; so the IT enabled business initiatives can be assessed in a measurable way.

Every business initiative is to solve certain problems and achieve business goals and objectives. Only initiatives that support the achievement of those objectives should be implemented. To keep eyes on what matters, identify what generates the most value for the company and express that in strategic objectives, set the right priority and analyze potential pitfalls, align key success factors of the business, streamline business resource, process, capability, capacity to improve implementation rate of business initiatives and produce high performance results consistently.


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