Wednesday, September 21, 2022


 If there are different levels of strengths, leadership should be able to develop along their strengths and determine their unique competencies and accountability.

Contemporary leadership is about a clear vision, an advanced mindset, and a planned attitude of risk-taking for inspiring innovation, leading organizations and our societies forward with leapfrogging changes and unleashing collective potential courageously. 

Leadership is both philosophy and a set of practices. First of all, you have to understand there are leadership keys you can master as a leader, your thinking, psychology, behavior and the actions you take. You then have to understand that the role of a leader is to create a high-performance environment in which people are inspired to become a better version of themselves, think independently, create courageously and act step-wisely.

Initiate value-driven leadership practices:
In a modern "knowledge work" economy, people are a greater source of value production. The purposeful leadership is value-based, to create multifaceted value for business and society; there is economic value, quality value, ethic value, societal value, etc. Value propositions should be people-centric, and define the ideal business model, distribution, services & solutions. Leadership is a tough journey, principle gives you confidence when you look back; perseverance allows you to overcome the barriers and bias; persistence helps you solidify the vision, patience keeps you to sustain the long-term pursuit of purpose.

Initiate goal-driven leadership disciplines: Great leaders not only have great vision but are realistic towards making it happen, and have effective managers to compliment the execution process. As they understand the vision's prime directive and are capable of ensuring a smooth transition during the execution phase towards a successful completion of the vision. Being a leader can occasionally feel isolated, however, by following your instinct, you will more often than not turn the situation around and produce a positive outcome. It’s always important to be memorable as the catalyst for concerted efforts to achieve a common progressive goal, that is a trait of quality leadership.

Initiate autonomous leadership to encourage self-management:
Great leaders are authentic, and innovative. It’s important to look inward. To know oneself is necessary to understand the filters and the bias. If we see everyone as capable of being self-driven, we are less likely to jump into 'rescue' or command, but use our own humanity and humility to question, learn, coach and work together for improving problem-solving effectiveness! High level of autonomy is the symbol of professional maturity by streamlining the digital flow from top-down to bottom-up. Individually, self-management is about knowing and comprehending how you can understand conditions, manage emotions and behaviors; and as an individual, recognize what is best to think and do, in relation to the betterment of self. Self-management taps the inner and outer resources of strength, and to get yourself doing things with disciplines, practices and achieve the ultimate goals.

Leadership is purposeful, situational, and value-driven. If leaders can be developed, there should be different levels of leaders according to their talent, strengths, and expertise. If there are different levels of strengths, leadership should be able to develop along their strengths and determine their unique competencies and accountability.


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