Wednesday, July 27, 2022


Logical arguments are indeed healthy and prove we are actively and proactively pursuing the truth.

The world is still full of arguments artistically, scientifically, economically, politically, and religiously. An argument with clarified logic underneath seeks to change a concept, perspectives, ideas, intended to persuade and provoke actions, with or without a final satisfying outcome! There are some logic underneath the augments. 

Critical thinking & reasoning: We all have a cognitive bias, it is no surprise to create the thinking gaps by imperfect people using imperfect processes via narrow lenses.  Argument is a communication style to voice out and debate with each other. If practicing critical thinking or creative thinking, a meaningful argument opens a new perspective; changing perspective will change your mind. One will show the high level of zeal and rigor of reasoning all around.

It is necessary most of the time, arguments are given for the sake of simply proving or leading to some valid conclusion based on facts and different logical angles. Logical argument intends to gain an in-depth understanding of certain topics. But some illogical arguments might bring unhealthy psychology, stifle progression. Whether individually or collectively, we need an opportunity to be able to really stand in our truth, to really speak for it, and have it witnessed. Eliminating biases or intentions of maligning or pulling down the other party, is vital to improve quality of argument.

Learning logic: It is important to create a trusted environment where we can openly share our thoughts without any fears and all statements are allowed. Argument is not just about winning, but about understanding, expressing, learning, and alternative problem-solving. Ineffective argumentation is in some way the result of the lack of sincerity of purpose, lack of clarity in communication, lack of openness towards viewpoints of others and the lack of humility in personality, lack of good intention to learn and grow.

Definitely, we can learn a lot from arguments, especially constructive arguments. It's about letting go of the "looking good" syndrome, there remains potential to learn very much, both of the opponent’s view and one’s own. Having arguments where you practice dissociating from your beliefs and your feelings about them are the ones that lead to learning, empathy, and self-awareness to reach the next level of knowledge proficiency.

Persuasive logic:
‘Persuasion' is a form of reasoning that some call a “planning argument” proposal (to do, accept, support something) by pointing out that doing so will have a consequence that should be accepted, adopted, aimed for. For example, arguments about a proposed plan or action, is a claim not about something as “it is,” but as the proponent feels ought to be, and wish to persuade themselves and others of this logically.

The persuasion aspect becomes quite legitimate in that people will try to get others to accept a proposal by showing how it will achieve OUGHT-consequences the others will also accept once these effects have been pointed out to them. Problems arise when this need and a process for dealing with it are not made mutually conscious and agreed on. It’s important to demonstrate emotional excellence to make arguments as a good communication tool to solve problems without generating more issues due to unsatisfied outcomes.

Logical arguments are indeed healthy and prove we are actively and proactively pursuing the truth. It is important to live by the principles of listening carefully, asking insightful questions, practicing critical thinking, and communicating honestly, caring for others, even when they disagree. The goals of argument focus on learning, understanding, reasoning, empathizing, and problem-solving.


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