Sunday, July 24, 2022


  Innovation agility is a critical business capability to manage innovation life cycle with speed.

The world is moving into the deep, deep digital new normal with wide, wide digital connectivity and tall, tall digital pillars. Agility is one of such powerful pillars to leap digital transformation and enable the business to unleash its full potential. 

Organizational agility is about to create and react to changes. It is about to take into account any change in the environment and transform the organization to survive, grow, and transform. It is about to respond to emergent events proactively.

Corporate Coherence

Innercoherence organizations usually apply reductionistic management principle to run the business as the sum of pieces. It used to be that we were seeing silos as making the boundaries and territories of different lines of business within an organization. However, digital means hyperconnectivity and interdependence. The challenge for organizations is to manage its portfolio of relevant cross-border strategic synergies and organizational interdependence, fine-tune the structure and improve changeability to achieve coherence, manage risks to improve effectiveness. Or to put simply, we perhaps need to coin another hybrid word “Cohelience” (coherence + resilience) for articulating the very characteristic of digital maturity.

initialbodcoherence Consider digital organization as the coherent, self-organized, interlaced and hyper-connected organic system. Organizations "become complex," not for their own amusement, but do it to respond to environments more proactively. Corporate boards oversee business strategies to improve the management effectiveness and eliminate risks. High-performing boards would check the coherence of corporate management, laser focus on the most critical issues, and advice the management on the maximization of multifaceted business value creation.

Uncoverprocesslogic Running a business involves a complex set of activities and enhances multithreaded management disciplines. The process oriented perspective enables the business management to make continuous improvement.  As processes demonstrate the business logic to take sequential activities for solving either strategic or tactical problems, getting the work done in an optimized way.

Innovator coherence Creativity has many forms and manifestations. Creatives have many traits and strengths. There are many unique ingredients to make “creativity formula.” There is a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic elements to ignite creativity. Here are three “C” elements in innovators.

Uncovercorporatecoherence Consider digital organizations as the coherent, self-organized but interlaced and hyper-connected ecosystem, coherence is about logic and consistency. “Business logic" comprises business rules that express business policy, workflow or information flow from one person to another. If the logic is clear enough, the business is operated frictionlessly and change can be implemented seamlessly. Here are a few perspectives on digital innate-coherence.

The blog is a dynamic book flowing with your thoughts; growing through your dedication; sharing your knowledge; conveying your wisdom, and making influence through touching the hearts and connecting the minds across the globe. The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached  7 million page views with about #9300 blog postings. Among 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking and innovating new ideas; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes the time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify diverse voices and deepen digital footprints, and it's the way to harness your innovative spirit.

Decision Master Book Summary

Decision Master Amazon Order Link

Decision Master B&N Order Link

Decision Master iBook Order Link

Decision Master Introduction

Decision Master Chapter 1 Decision Intelligence

Decision Master Chapter 2 Decision Principles

Decision Master Chapter 3 Digital Decision Styles

Decision Master Chapter 4 Decision Pitfalls

Decision Master Chapter 5 Decision Maturity

Decision Master Conclusion Five Pillars in Achieving Decision Excellence

Decision Master Quotes Collection 1

Decision Master Quotes Collection 2

Decision Master Quotes Collection 3


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