Monday, July 25, 2022


It is important to apply a system's lens to understand how the people factor affects the business system, and then, manage the complex system and the people of the complex system.

The digital era upon us is about people. It’s important to understand the organization as a complex system and the people of the complex system. Either for individuals or the businesses, if you stick and restrict, you cannot be dynamic. You have to be open to change and innovation. 

Adaptability is to be understood as the ability of a system to adapt itself efficiently and fast to changed circumstances. By leveraging system understanding of people, organization, as well as the interdependent ecosystem, business management can become more effective to enforce the cross-functional relationship and collaboration, improve organizational adaptability, agility, innovation, and maturity.

People is a self-adaptive system that creates a cycle of experiences, exploration, and a more natural process of improvement based on continuous feedback: People as an organic, purposeful system can be perceived through the lenses of physiology, psychology, anthropology, ecology, etc, structure and behavior are two elements co-working in every organism in nature. Each person has a different structure of knowledge and reacts to environmental changes with behaviors that are strictly linked to the information they have and with the way other people share and collaborate with them. Thus, it’s necessary for people to feel comfortable being who they are and taking the necessary risks to express, explore, innovate in their own way to fit their purpose and reach the vision about who they want to be.

Adaptation is an inherent characteristic of humans, being understood as the ability to adapt self efficiently and fast to changed circumstances. Self-adaptation is a phenomenon strictly linked to see knowledge increase if shared and consumed. The growth mindset and learning plasticity are crucial qualities today to step out of the “comfort zone,” create the expectation that positive behaviors and creativity are valued above everything else, and improve professional competency. People as a system are interacting with each other. These interactions manifested with social, political, technical values, etc, tend to be dynamic, be able to seek ways and means of adjusting your perspective and those around you, get yourself into actions; improve creativity and agility through openness, and autonomy.

The digital organization is an organic, complex system that needs to keep growing and expanding, enforcing an iterative problem-solving continuum:
Organizations generally consist of varying intersecting and interacting systems including people, IT, finance, sales, etc, that can be perceived through the lenses of sociology, psychology, technology, anthropology, and economics, etc. Compared to the traditional organizational structure with a rigid hierarchy, digital organizations are the "living things," that need to continually fine-tune an effective structure by leveraging emerging collaboration tools to improve business agility and people-centricity. From a behavior management perspective, always be careful about examining the potential points of engagement, rather than jumping to the “we'll fix this" mentality; digging through the root causes, and improving organizational agility.

Business systems need to keep evolving; the management needs to realize that their systems or processes are out of date and work on updating them step-by-step. The key point is to make sure the “system-of-interest” is defined to establish flexible business boundaries and the properties that interact with the environment dynamically and drive strategic changes seamlessly. Change is faster if made with the full involvement of people in organizational change; providing the creative workplace for people to exercise their talent and unlock their potential. To improve organizational maturity, the people, process, technology, and capability tuning. etc, are all tactics to get the organization from here to there for adapting to the fast-paced changes and deal with complexity smoothly.

Purposefully plan the ecosystem orchestration with the accelerated shift to the hyper-connected digital world:
The digital ecosystem is dynamic, hyperconnected, it expands when the components broaden their community scopes and consume all sorts of resources, and the digital business territories blur. Organizations like the switch connected in the ecosystem environment, need to keep evolving, interacting with its ecosystem, taking advantage of abundant knowledge, systematic structure, and uncovered potential, in order to unlock business performance for the long run. It’s critical to nourish a culture of innovation across functional disciplines, embed innovation management mechanisms into the corporate DNA, and foster ecosystem level communication and collaboration nowadays

You have to embrace the holistic ecosystem view of capability development, catalyze innovation, and accelerate digital transformation. With the ecosystem consciousness, corporate management should scan the external environment, envision trends, identify opportunities and threats, and build both internal and external beliefs around how the business should operate. Business resources should be managed at the level of the ecosystem, rather than managing as individual pieces, make the ecosystem alignment to harness business changes and innovation.

Digital organizations today are always on, vibrant, self-driving, innovative. To explore the emerging business horizon, you have to understand what it means to the business and get to know the external changing environment or the entire business ecosystem. It is important to apply a system's lens to understand how the people factor affects the business system, and then, manage the complex system and the people of the complex system as the organic living thing to make continuous innovation.


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