Saturday, July 16, 2022


Professionals have a set of skills to accomplish certain works and produce high quality results.

We live in the knowledge economy, being a digital professional is inherently and inextricably linked with high levels of “professionalism,” which means the individual not only has the skill to get work done, but also present knowledge proficiency, credibility, accountability, meet the high standard of professional attitude, and reputation. 

Building and retaining a professional workforce in an “VUCA” environment means playing by rules, shaping strong leadership, cultivating a culture of high performance, developing the best and next practices to bring wisdom in the workplace.

High professionalism is a mindset, principle, and discipline: If your company aspires to the top tier of success then professionalism comes with it. It doesn’t mean if you had a profession, you would always be a well-respected professional with professionalism. Being professional means the fitting mindset, following corporate principles, rules, demonstrating strong self-management discipline. If you work for a global company, you need to respect global professional business courtesy, follow a set of commonly agreeable principles & laws in the global environment to do the work and produce high quality results.

Being a professional starts with a professional mindset, not just about being compliant, but being an independent thinker, an insightful feedback giver, a high-performance doer, a humble learner, a trustful colleague, a risk preventer, etc. High professionalism is an important quality for today’s multigenerational, multicultural and multi-devicing workforce to communicate empathetically, be tolerant of difference, show respect for other people, and get the work accomplished collaboratively.

High-quality global professionals are great in altitude, aptitude, and attitude: We have moved from the industrial economy to the knowledge economy, now stepping into the creative economy. Different employees may have different expectations for the work they do and the workplace they go. High professionals means being open minded, creativity, talent, the balanced attitude of confidence and humility, self-management skill sets, consistent performance.

High professionalism is a crucial characteristic to influence organizational culture and bring wisdom to the workplace. Professional skill development is something that depends on the individual's wish, innate talent as per the organization's standards. The “VUCA '' reality requires digital professionals to have the right attitude, talent and skill sets to be heading in a professional direction. They can make sound judgment and solve problems effectively.

Quality professionals present the right mixture of intelligence, competence, and emotional excellence:
Being a professional is not just about a title; there are strategic and tactical roles, and there are also professional roles that need a hybrid set of skills to deal with different pieces of responsibilities effectively. The opinions of a professional do not just weigh on titles, but how effective a person is in their respective role within the organization. High professionals demonstrate multidimensional intelligence to decide coherently; differentiated competency to finish work smoothly; emotional excellence to overcome obstacles cool-headedly.

Quality professionals demonstrate intellectual maturity. It means to have the ability to live comfortably with complementary thoughts, articulate things accurately; express opinions courageously by taking care of the feelings of the other people empathetically. They can communicate thoroughly, but not win a small battle of ego. Complex problems require high perception intelligence and a coordinated solution.

Professionals have a set of skills to accomplish certain works and produce high quality results. There’s no such universal formula to be an accountable professional. What works for one may not be as effective for the other. At the end of the day, you define the role you play and how to accomplish it, how to keep improving, as well as the level of responsibilities you've progressed to take for building a high professionalism. A digital professional can be ripened to maturity through the combination of authenticity, quality, capability, potentiality and exemplification.


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