Tuesday, July 26, 2022


All knowledge professionals today need to continue sharpening their mindset, skillset and building their integral professional capability continually.

Today’s business is dynamic and complex than ever; digital professionals should keep building unique professional capability by developing their talent and unlocking potential, integrating professional skills and expertise for making certain achievements in a consistent manner. Each of these same capabilities may be combined in different fashions to yield multiple core competencies. 

Business leaders and professionals need to periodically make an objective assessment of their professional competencies, identify skill gaps, build a professional profile with a strong capability portfolio, in order to fulfill their career goals and reach the next level of the growth cycle.

Cognitive competency: We live in the digital era with abundant information and rapid change, cognition is the mental process of acquiring knowledge through thoughts, senses, and experiences, etc. Cognitive understanding requires our ability to comprehend information and make a discernment with the willingness to seek out new knowledge, address ignorance, verify assumptions, in order to make effective decisions. It’s imperative to inspire the diversity of thoughts, practice nonlinear thinking, and continue to refine your knowledge via the full “learning cycle,” for developing cognitive competency.

Global leaders and professionals need to demonstrate confidence based on their fitting mindset, with cognitive intelligence involving multidimensional thought processes such as critical thinking, independent thinking, creative thinking, holistic thinking, skills etc, to develop cognitive competence. Continuing learning and updating knowledge allows new pieces of information to be synthesized for generating new knowledge and fresh insight, raises your total cognitive threshold, and improves cognitive agility.

Problem-solving competency: Regardless of which professional role you are playing, the work on a daily basis is about solving problems large or small. Problems-solving capability is critical to improve professional maturity. Because sometimes, even if you have a good intention to solve problems but lack the fitting capabilities to do so. Sometimes you work on the wrong problems, other times, perhaps you just fix the symptom and cause more serious problems later on. Defining the right problems is a halfway of effective problem-solving; diagnosing the problem from the mindset level helps to dig into the root causes of many cultural related problems today.

Problem-solving competencies are often synthetic in nature, including understanding, communication, decision-making, discernment, judgmental capabilities, learning agility, as well as technical know-how skills, etc. Problem-solving has a very wide scope and takes the interdisciplinary approach which involves multifaceted disciplines such as engineering, art, principles, condition, social norms and group behavior. Usually, the more complex the problems are, the more sophisticated professional capabilities are needed to solve them thoroughly. It is crucial to build the dynamic professional capabilities via existing building blocks or integrate those existing capabilities into high level problem-solving competency.

Innovation competency:
Creativity is one of the most needed professional competency. Being innovative is a growth mindset and a proactive attitude. There are many indicators to assess intrinsic innovation capability and capacity of business professionals such as creative thinking, interdisciplinary skills and knowledge, learning plasticity, tolerance of ambiguity, intellectual engagement, pattern discovery, tendency to constantly question the status quo, capacity to adapt, emotional intelligence and risk-taking attitude, etc.

You cannot wait for something to happen, keep curious, always think profoundly, learn fresh knowledge, and acquire new capabilities to build innovation competency. Knowledge professionals today need to spark imagination from abundant knowledge; think long term, gain enriched knowledge from expanded vision; become more strategic and tactical for sharpening cross disciplinary professional skills from innate talents; spur creativity and build innovation competency, etc.

All knowledge professionals today need to continue sharpening their mindset, skillset and building their integral professional capability continually. There are both hard and soft factors such as talent, process, motivation, special training, etc in building professional capability. "Development, enhancement, and coaching" is the tone for talent management. The emphasis is on trying to determine which competencies or capabilities should be used in which combination, and with what level of weight for each, for every different situation, to improve problem-solving effectiveness and reach professional maturity.


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