Friday, September 9, 2022


Logically, there's a correlation of corporate governance, organizational capability development and business performance.

In the face of “VUCA '' reality, challenges, competitions, and complexities may be on the increase, but along with it, there comes the increase in opportunity, and in the form of demand. 

Running a high performance business nowadays needs to practice dynamic planning, develop inclusive teams, build up trust by bonding people around clear and benevolent intentions, build core business capabilities, enforce corporate governance discipline for achieving high performance results with consistency.

Organizational governance disciplines provides insightful analysis for business capability development: Corporate management and governance are interdependent disciplines to ensure business effectiveness and efficiency. From capability analysis to capability re-engineering to new capability design & development, a strong governance discipline helps business management perform a risk analysis, harness cross-functional communication, coordination, and control, raise visibility and awareness of both hard and soft elements of business capabilities across the organizational hierarchy.

Information is the gold mine all forward-thinking organizations dig through to capture business foresight, predict emerging trends, prevent risks, and enforce governance effectiveness. In practice, information-based governance disciplines is about setting up governance initiatives in an organization for identifying common risks which various stakeholders have to deal with and aim to improve risk intelligence in the organization.

Corporate governance has a direct link to critical business processes which underpin business capacities & capabilities: Corporate capability based business strategy implementation has much higher success rate. Strong governance enhances capability development cycle and monitors corporate performance, not only from the financial results, but also from the involvement and signs being displayed about what guidance, values, and principles governing the company's commercial activities.

It makes sense to have governance processes that are more information-based, lightweight, integral, agile, people-centric, including engagement and motivation to build an enterprise's capacity to grow the business and catalyze innovation. By enforcing GRC principles and practices, the process effectiveness and efficiency achieved through standardization and optimization directly impact strategy management success.

Company governance provides a monitoring, measuring, and enforcement system to make investment justification for building long-term business competency
: Corporate governance indicates a relationship with the Board, management and the stakeholders. Strong governance ensures that the organization spends the money in the right way to achieve innovative growth, helps the business open up new channels of revenue and monetization within the enterprise and their ecosystem, build business long term competency, and improve stakeholders’ satisfactions.

Governance involves the alignment of interests among the stakeholders. Start with a balance among the shareholders and investors. When making investment justification, estimate return on investment, potential risks, etc. The return on investment value proposition should be an overall measurement based on the combination of cost, schedule, quality, performance, and satisfaction of various stakeholders.

The more complex contemporary organizations become, the broader scope of corporate governance turns out to be. Logically, there's a correlation of corporate governance, organizational capability development and business performance. Many organizations are at the crossroads of the business transformation. The solid governance methods, techniques, structures, etc, is based on the design of integral management systems to enforce business process transparency, optimize workforce planning, resource alignment, change agility, and performance management system effectiveness.


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