Sunday, September 4, 2022


 How deep your understanding is based on the level of cognitive ability & thinking competency.

The world we co-share becomes much more complex and interdependent; the deep problem that reveals is to understand how we can leverage different thought processes to make judgment and solve complex problems facing us today effectively. 

What are the evolutionary pathways implied by deepening the level of thinking and understanding? Can you break down the old thinking box, apply multidimensional thinking to understand issues from different angles, reach a higher level of thinking to deal with challenges, improve professionalism and leadership maturity?

Improving the level of cognition from smaller to bigger thinking box: Nowadays, with the increasing speed of changes and abundant knowledge, great things and advancement don't happen inside your comfort zone or in a box which is associated with outdated knowledge or convention. If you won’t continue learning and updating knowledge, the content in that little thinking box can easily get stale and out of touch. Thus, the level of thinking and understanding depend on how fast you can learn, whether you can enhance a healthy cycle of learning-understanding-doing-relearning-creating”; your cognitive expansion of the thinking box from smaller to bigger. When people leave those outdated thoughts and standards to seek additional knowledge and experience, they are stepping outside that box to unfamiliar territory, and expanding into a much bigger box. They are transcending themselves from a conventional thinker to an insightful leader or professional in the knowledge and creative economy.

Increasing the level of thinking from silo to contextual understanding:
Silo is part of the reality as most people and organizations usually work in traditional hierarchical settings with inflexible structure or ineffective processes. Silo thinking often means to only pay more attention to the part, but ignore the whole. When people explore the mental process of acquiring new knowledge through thoughts, experiences, and senses, especially across boundaries, the cognition involves exploring varieties of meanings, absorbing and digesting information from varying sources, increasing the level of thinking from silo to holism and improving cognitive maturity step by step. So contextual understanding can be developed through appreciating different viewpoints and enhancing interdisciplinary understanding.

The opposite of silo is holism, wholeness, completeness. The word "holistic" itself refers to something that transcends a combination of thinking ways to make sound judgment. Digital leaders and professionals apply multidimensional thinking to clarify the interdependence of issues holistically, diagnose the plethora of contextual factors inherent in the circumstances, in order to overcome a variety of bias, adjust mindsets and behaviors to exert influence intentionally and intuitively.

Increasing level of thinking from content understanding to be more abstract & insightful:
In face of overwhelming growth of information, frequent conflicts, business leaders and professionals should learn how to practice independent thinking, critical reasoning to abstract knowledge into unique insight; how to gain wisdom (not conventional type) via continual reflection and refinement. Abstract understanding helps people differentiate substance from style, grasp the quintessential from outdated information or knowledge. So they can perceive the situations with both broader scope of abstraction and in-depth understanding of its interconnectivity and interdependence, in order to make sound decisions.

Wisdom is often abstract, abstraction is the foundation of insight, enabling business leaders and professionals to understand when to look further; when to look closer; when to step in and when to stay out. Abstract your thoughts and words by omission, composition, generalization or idealization, to reach a point of agreement and enforce strategic communication and collaboration.

Knowledge, understanding, and wisdom are interrelated terms. Often misunderstanding or poor judgment is the root cause to many problems today. Lack of profound thinking and understanding leads to misinterpretation, “fixing the symptom, not the root cause” syndrome. How deep your understanding is based on the level of cognitive ability & thinking competency, the logic, lenses, mindsets, processes you leverage to interpret things, make judgments and solve problems smoothly.


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