Friday, September 2, 2022


Insightful professionals innovate, research, and resolve problems; they take the time to thoughtfully think about the specific issue of boundaries, and deal with complex logical problems logically.

Change is inevitable in circumstances full of complexity, uncertainty, and unpredictability, to deal with varying complex issues in today’s “VUCA” world, it is important to take cross-logical approach to analyze, discover patterns, make objective perceptions, leverage multidimensional thought processes and nonlinear logic to diagnose the root causes, understand interconnectivity, make sound judgment, and handle problems step-wisely.

Leverage perceptive logic to diagnose the real problem: The world is still full of problems large or small; misperception is a common symptom, events and patterns are observed on the surface, and then the action is taken to fix the symptom. Cognitively, perception is an interpretation based on one’s conditioning or beliefs, etc, leading people to judge others; or evaluate issues all of which may be positive or negative, depending on one's perception. Perception is personal as it’s often based on one’s thought processes which are influenced by one’s cognitive understanding, knowledge, experience, etc. Conventional understanding or stereotyping usually leads to those outdated perceptions which cause a lot of issues in modern societies. 

The most important capability of the cognitive mind with clear perceptional logic is being able to overcome subconscious bias caused by prepositioned perceptions, identify root causes of complex problems, be willing to seek out fresh knowledge, address ignorance and assumptions, in order to frame the right problem and solve it smoothly.

Apply analytical logic to break down problems
: Analysis defined as the procedure by which you break down an intellectual or substantial whole into parts or components is the right tool to weigh varying factors in decision-making and problem-solving. The problem becomes more complex, analysis answers the ‘what’ and ‘how’ questions, helps us break things down into their components, understand them piece by piece. From a problem-solving perspective, analysis is concise analytic work and takes a logical approach, breaking down large problems to smaller ones, looking at the root cause of each piece, as well as the context in which it has happened, and then solving them logically.

In the information based society, what used to be called “knowledge based enterprises or economies” are designed to transform unevaluated information into information whose accuracy and authenticity are verified. Technically, business analytics is the logical process of examining data and applying quality information to improve decision-making effectiveness. Information-based analysis can make a big difference in capturing business insight to run a smart business.

Clarify nonlinear logic to solve problems holistically:
In the interdependent business world, most relationships are nonlinear; nonlinear relationships are in general, less predictable than linear ones. If linear logic is based on mathematical reasoning - the whole is equal to the sum of pieces; then nonlinear logic is about understanding that the whole is bigger than the sum of parts sometimes; one small event in one place can cause significant impact in the other place surprisingly.

Human thought is characterized by expansion in multiple directions, rather than in one direction. As human society gets more and more complex, practicing multi-dimensional thinking and leveraging nonlinear logic could be evolutionary for understanding things from different angles and gain fresh insight into dynamic circumstances, clarifying interrelationships and interdependence of relevant issues, in order to identify the crucial leverage points, and solve them holistically.

As the intensity and pervasiveness of digitization increase the complexity of the business environment, the logic is an important clue to uncover patterns, distinguish between symptoms and causes when evaluating activities that are relevant to complex issues on hand. Insightful professionals innovate, research, and resolve problems; they take the time to thoughtfully think about the specific issue of boundaries, and deal with complex problems logically.


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