Thursday, September 9, 2021


Besides human consciousness, is the internet conscious? Is sensory technology conscious? Is our hyper connected ecosystem conscious? Is our universe conscious? Consciousness is -an omnipresent thing.

Consciousness is-

a state of the ego-

the worldly self;

the interaction between-

“self” and the exterior world.


manifesting itself,

in a way-

unique to us;

Thoughts wrapped around -

the thoughts;

action following by -


consciousness makes us-

think proliferately;

act proactively.

Consciousness is -

a cognitive thing.

Consciousness is-

the living being,

with its senses active,


something useful.

Consciousness is -

awareness of -

the subject-

Our knowledge,

in the field.

Conscious evokes-

our memory,

linking past and present,


Consciousness is-

a mindful thing.

Awake consciousness to

achieve amazing things;

the more consciously,

we grow,

the more aligned,

we become-

with our intuition;

the more chance -

we spark creativity.

Consciousness is -

a proactive thing.

Consciousness is-


as the different strands of-

the same DNA.

Creativity comes into play when-

we call upon -

our conscious mind

with the intention to-

bring forth solutions-

from our unconscious, subconscious, superconscious,


Consciousness is-

a multidimensional thing.

Besides human consciousness,

Is the internet conscious?

Is sensory technology conscious?

Is our hyper connected ecosystem conscious?

Is our universe conscious?

Consciousness is -

an omnipresent thing.


Innerconsciousness is the intermingling of mental processes and your physical body. Here you check this and get more new ways for Residential Paving Morristown. It's often used to describe altered states, states where you have clearly altered perceptions of your environment, while being physically present in the same spot.

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