Thursday, September 16, 2021


The paraconsistent logic glues up a holistic innovation management discipline and builds up a value-added open innovation ecosystem.

In essence, innovation management is about how to manage people, assets, resources, time, and risks to transform commercial ideas for achieving their business value. Compared to traditional management disciplines, innovation has high intensity and a very low success rate because it’s a set of high-risk activities and dynamic management discipline. 

 The innovation perspective and creative balances needs to allow the organization to morph into living conditions and capacities change to enable a better fit for the purpose. Innovation management can apply paraconsistent logic for handling the following paradoxes, managing both hard and soft success factors, dealing with emerging tensions and conflicts for building a health innovation portfolio with both incremental and breakthrough innovation to unlock their organizational growth potentiality significantly.

Creativity vs process: Creativity is out of the box; process is “in-the-box”; Highly innovative organizations are usually more open to new ideas, and encourage staff to think out of the box., and deliver a competitive advantage. But it doesn’t mean those companies are out of order completely; creativity often happens at the intersection of order and chaos; information and intuition, consciousness and subconsciousness, breaking down some rules and establishing new principles, etc. A defined structure is essential to manage innovation in a corporation. There's no single structure that will work in every organization. To get the best results, you need to structure the creative process. All structure and business processes tend to funnel creativity in a specified direction. In fact, innovation is a managed process to manage a cycle of idea generation, selection, and implementation effectively.

Creativity and innovation are more a function of motivation and latitude. So the organization must allow for learning, experimentation, and failure. Innovation process is not static, different types of innovation should be managed via tailored management processes. For example, incremental innovation often comes from top-down, with the management pre-planning and taking initiatives; while breakthrough innovation sometimes comes from bottom-up, there needs a process to keep embracing trends, evolving and discovering great ideas, prioritizing and implementing them. It seems that the more integrated and culturally based innovation or imagination is, the more sustainable and productive such initiatives are.

Personalization vs. standardization:
The creative economy upon us is of people, option, empathy, or simply put, "personalization." The industry age behind us and the knowledge era we are in is also about standardization, to achieve certain efficiency, reusability, portability, etc. The point is how to strike the right balance. In fact, without managing both well, organizations will have difficulty to reach up to the next stage of the business cycle. The intention of personalization is to delight customers by presenting personalized solutions to make sure that the end user is getting maximum benefit. In order to deliver personalized solutions to delight customers, there are many standardization efforts behind the scenes. The "dosage" of standardization and personalization in the new product/service is the key - meeting target costs in the design phase is the path worth following.

Great personalization leads to better customer satisfaction. Great standardization achieves management excellence. When managing a customer-centric innovation life cycle, gain a deep understanding of customers through empathetic observation and feedback-feed forward practices. To enhance innovation management effectiveness, companies need standardization of internal reasoning such as capitalization of previous experience, cost control, convenience, etc, they are also obliged by the external environment to be flexible for adapting to the changing environment, manage business relationships such as vendors, customers, other stakeholders, and take collaborative efforts to achieve higher than expected results.

Simplicity vs. Complexity: Simplicity is a behavioral attitude to see things as and what and where they are and be content and cool as it is. Simplicity is one of the great characteristics of many well-designed, cool products/services. But underneath, there’s lots of complexity in it. From a management perspective, simplifying the complicated thing is an optimal and smart choice. But every intelligence or innovation has some complexity in it. Technically, complexity both drives innovation and also hinders it. The point is how to identify and enable desired complexity, and eliminate unnecessary complication/complexity. When a business becomes overly complex and people get frustrated and annoyed by not being able to accomplish things easily, this drives the search for simpler concepts and methods, which is the need to take the innovative initiative.

Appreciate simplicity, but simplicity is not as the same as primitiveness or traditionalism. To achieve simplicity, you would have to address the complexities of the subject matter. Simplicity can be expressed via a comprehensive abstract. Simplicity can be conveyed via intuitive design and easy to use interface. Simplicity can be achieved through continuous consolidation, integration, and optimization. To balance simplicity and complexity well, “simplexity” is the pertinent portmanteau word mixing with two words "Simplicity," and "Complexity," which well-describes the digital new normal philosophically and re-invent our modern world seamlessly.

To demystify innovation and improve management maturity, businesses today have to make the strategic choices all the time of where and when and how they innovate. The paraconsistent logic glues up a holistic innovation management discipline and builds up a value-added open innovation ecosystem that cultivates creative leadership/workforce, creates a dynamic, expansive, and interdependent methodological environment with a set of multifaceted practices to catalyze innovation and sustain high performance outcomes.


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