Friday, September 3, 2021


Art, design, engineering are all interconnected, at the core of design-led critical problem-solving via personalization.

Design is a set of creative and thoughtful activities that extend over time. Business leaders need to understand how things like design thinking can fundamentally change organizations as well as their societal impact.

 In practice, how they can apply design principles accordingly and build design as a unique business competency to demonstrate delightful products and services, promote sustainability, social responsibility and enhance a strong business brand.

At its core, Design Thinking is nonlinear:
It involves multidimensional thought processes such as creativity, strategic thinking, divergent thinking, integral thinking, aesthesis, customer-centricity, etc. Design is both a mentality and attitude. It’s critical to be open minded to consider all sorts of possibilities. It starts with a need of a customer and tests the solutions with experimentation. Design thinking is about many things; but, it’s not dedicated to perpetuating the status quo, it is not predicated on following one single method. It is not the kind of thinking that got you into whatever mess you're in the first place, it needs to keep evolving.

By nature, design thinking is often unconventional. While leveraging design thinking to do actual work or solve problems, you do need to understand that those solutions may come through the back doors and side windows. Design is not a method which focuses solely on wireframes and visual designs, product/service aesthetics. It’s important to clarify design-related communications goals, make sure they are clear and unambiguous with a clear sense of purpose and where they want to be within a given timeframe. Design thinking aims at building a customer-centric journey, for improving customer experience and organizational maturity.

Embracing design as a culture and building a strong brand: Design has a broader scope and you need to think about the brand, long-term business positioning, and rigorous user understanding. To put another way, more and more of work is less about design in its purity and more focused on holistic and strategic business initiatives. Business leaders need to understand what customers’ needs, understand the company’s long-term goals, business identity and the industry realities such as competition or marketing position, etc, and ensure organizations are on the right track of orienting businesses to apply design principles and methodologies to cultivate a customer-centric culture and build a strong corporate brand.

As an organization's maturity about design increases, design moves from an incoherent afterthought -”branding a design” to synchronous advantage -”branding through design.” Strategically oriented designers are complex problem-solvers who demonstrate in-depth business knowledge, technology expertise, artistic touches, and a contextual understanding of users into innovative and compelling products or services with personalized themes to achieve customer delight.

The healthy design cycle is - design model, execute, monitor, optimize then again back to design: Good design is natural, intuitive, and prioritized in making things likable vs. just making them functioning. Good design is much more than decoration, it is largely considered a byproduct of solid engineering discipline with an artistic taste. It’s about how to leverage design thinking and powerful technologies or tools to develop tailored and intuitive products or services for satisfying varying user groups from functioning to delight, and advance business goals and objectives smoothly. Design review is necessary to ensure the things are on the right track of on-value and on-time delivery. It's a continuous improvement cycle.

Design thinking is not a process, it is a collection of principles, methodologies and practices. Designers may speak in different languages, work in different ways. Rather than focus on one method or tool, as a team with broad expertise across a range of disciplines, there are choices of tools or methods appropriate for fitting designers’ personal flavors to improve their creativity and productivity. People are the center of design thinking. Aesthetics is an important principle for doing designs. But people have different tastes and preferences, also, fashions could fade away. Thus, there’s no magic formula to ensure long-lasting popularity of design. Seasoned designers always shape their own taste and attract their special sets of fans and customers.

Art, design, engineering are all interconnected, at the core of design-led critical problem-solving via personalization. Design, in fact, becomes the strategic business driver at higher level maturity for innovating products/services and building a creative corporate culture and strong business brand.


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