Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Leadership effectiveness in a global context comes into play with reciprocating awareness and personalized influence.

Leadership is about direction, and progressive change. Both leadership and change have altered and will continue to do especially nowadays we are stepping into the era of people-centricity. Leadership is an influence, which can be made through leaders’ unique competency, multiple personas, and personalized leadership styles and practices.

Unique leadership strength & differentiated competency: Leadership is a skill within itself and the greatest leaders are authentic to continue discovering who they are. There are leadership opportunities at any given point in time where people congregate to achieve a goal. To make a smooth shift from siloed based traditional economy to hyperconnected business interdependence, cookie cutter leadership needs to be updated toward gap-minding, innovative leadership. Contemporary leadership is situational. Great leaders build their unique set of leadership strength and competency to support the “circumstantiality” between leadership and achievement. Circumstances create sets of conditions that evoke leadership in individuals who are inclined and ready to take the lead and practice expert power in a wise manner.

The diversity of thoughts, character, cognitive difference, skills, style, and generation account for the majority of our differences. The degree of leadership influence is much more complex than the leader’ personality. The leadership differentiation provided by unique capabilities is usually more effective and influential. Personalized leadership is in demand for broadening perspective by complementing each other’s viewpoint, learning, criticizing, and collaborating; deepening leadership influence by tailoring customer’ needs or solving audience’s problems smoothly. Competent leaders with unique strength present the ideas with confidence, pursue the goal with persistence, and practice the leadership discipline with openness.

Master multiple leadership personas and management roles effortlessly: With the increasing level of uncertainty and complexity, there is a high expectation for leaders to wear different personals for gaining empathy and ensure the personal development of the team, so collectively, they can maximize their potential. The persona can be seen as the “public relations” part of the leadership that allows people to interact socially in a variety of situations with relative ease. Leadership is fluid and natural, hence, it takes into account the diversity of the human element. In fact, contemporary business leaders are expected to play multiple personas and need to wear many hats to lead effectively because today’s business workforce is hyperdiverse with multigenerational, multicultural, multidivicing perspectives. To deepen leadership influence, by the time the leadership profile used to change, it must be a great mix between an active thinking mind with multidimensional intelligence, having a strong capacity to make the people accept and adopt the change.

In reality though, the management/leadership paradox is rampant and has caused many debates between the management school of thought and the leadership schools of thought. In a traditional organizational setting, the management is mechanical, statistical, and procedural. But in today’s hyper-connected and fast changing environment, good managers need to wear multiple personas and practice effective leadership roles fluently by understanding changes and knowing how to lead people transition through complex digital transformations. In fact, corporate leadership faces adaptability imperatives - the adaptive leaders today don’t issue orders so much as they exert their influence over diverse groups of talent. Leadership in the coming decade will need to be more adaptive and distributed—the opposite of the command-and-control that has dominated the twentieth century.

Personalized leadership styles and practices: Leadership is an influence. As per the “circumstance” point of view, there is global leadership context - how to lead in the broader global scope; there is “situational leadership” to deal with different circumstances. It seems that more people today are willing to be leaders for the ability to influence through their personalized leadership styles and practices. Situational leadership is affected by context, culture, including capability and resources, and the means to an end, rather than just defined by the end result.

There’s the very reason why leadership is ineffective today because many times you don't understand the people you are leading and what they are in need of to be successful. Personalization needs to be the theme for leading a people-centric world. So people need to feel that leaders understand their concerns, particularly in tough times; recognize their talent and contribution to the organizations. Contemporary business leaders have unique eyes to discover the unimaginable uniqueness of people, look at all aspects of their individual traits, work ethic, influence, creativity, experience, capability, achievements and performance, as well as other hidden potentials. It is nice to have the right dose of charisma or unique style & practice if it can enhance your leadership effectiveness, complement your leadership substance.

There is no “one-size-fits-all” leadership format in such a diversified, divergent and dynamic world. Leadership effectiveness in a global context comes into play with reciprocating awareness and personalized influence. There are many informal ways to grow leadership and amplify their leadership influence. The weight falls on the shoulders of the leaders to adapt proactively, lead authentically, and amplify leadership influence effortlessly.


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