Wednesday, September 8, 2021


Great perceivers will make an impact on others when they interact with the surrounding, and they can interpret things with accuracy and forward-thinking intelligence, reimagine and improve the world significantly.

Perception is the way one's eyes see the world and one's mind interprets it. One’s perception matters because it affects how we are going to respond to “what happened;” as well as how we influence the world. The discrepancies in perception create conflicts, generate gaps and cause numerous problems. 

A perceptive mind is subjective, but can be open enough to embrace other minds’ perception. An inspirational perceiver can interpret the world via insightful, progressive, and innovative lens, with cautious optimism and gratitude, for leading transformational change effortlessly.

Insightful perception:
Perception is based on one’s thought processes which are influenced by one’s thinking style, cognitive understanding, and knowledge level to interpret realities objectively. Being insightful is the ability to see through things, either from the broader lens or deeper perspective. Pre-conceptual assumptions of cognitive biases are often due to a lack of insight or logical reasoning. It's important to consciously limit the influence of your own biases. nonpartisan, unprejudiced, without fear or favor. Otherwise, your false perception could block the way and cloud the view to look forward.

A part of objectivity includes self-criticism and the ability to be open and flexible to new ways of thinking. An insightful perceiver has an ability to grasp or comprehend information and keep updating their knowledge, and make subjective perception to be closer to the objective perception of actual reality. They are not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, but make sound judgment or decisions based on unbiased fact and objective opinions. Many of today’s problems are complex and interdependent. Even if you have all the different angles to consider, the problem may look very different depending on your perception. An insightful perceiver demonstrates perception intelligence, has ability to perceive real problems, rather than symptoms; becomes a good communicator upon thinking profoundly, upon how to strike the right balance without any sort of extreme thinking or bias. They have a better chance to become great problem-solvers.

Progressive perception:
Your perception affects your world and therefore what you project on the world, which in turn impacts others positively or negatively. Sometimes out of date perception is like time glue that keeps you still while the rest of the world moves forward with accelerated speed. Conventional wisdom or stereotyping leads to those outdated perceptions which stifle human progress, even drag the world backward and cause more social problems. Having positive thoughts doesn't necessarily change the external world, but it does help you see the good that is already there, and become more optimistic to drive progressive changes. We are experiencing a major societal shift from the industrial machine age to knowledge and creative economy progressively. A digital paradigm is an emerging ecosystem of principles, policies, and practices that set boundaries, not overly rigid; a progressive perceiver can help to shape a forward-looking view based on their clarified vision, past experience, and fresh knowledge to lead change seamlessly.

Nowadays, the circumstances are so fluid, with many variables which intricate problems and cause the business stagnation. The linear business system perception needs to be replaced by the adaptive digital system viewpoint. We can learn a lot from different mindsets, cultures and positions, so organizations as a whole can be competitive enough to keep surging further. People’s perception reflects who they are and which lens they apply to make the judgment of others. Having an inclusive culture always helps to learn from diverse people; orient people and make them aware of the diversity in their organization or team, help them understand the value of harnessing the differences, encourage people to become progressive perceivers, enrich their own life experiences, and tell their compelling stories. So collectively, the organization and society can make leapfrog progress.

Innovative perception: Over the last couple of decades, we have been faced with increasingly more complex and pressing problem-situations, embedded in interconnected ecosystems operating in dynamically changing environments. In fact, when a new stage emerges in the progression of society, the continued use of the old paradigm, the old-world-view-lens, creates ever-increasing problems. To overcome challenges and solve problems creatively, It’s critical to recognize the limitations of the perception, methods, and tools of the traditional scientific orientation, and shape innovative perceptions about problems, peoples, societies. As a matter of fact, we are steadily moving into a creative economy based on abundant knowledge and enriched viewpoints, people have to frame a new mindset, shape an innovative perspective, learn to use the new lens of the new era, and acquire new thinking, knowing, and doing based on the new worldview.

How you wish to impact the world creatively has to be in alignment with your perception. With an ever-changing world, it is important to consciously update perceptions for things you are not sure or people you do not know well, the purpose is to make appropriate adjustments and lead change creatively. To shape an innovative perception, do not always follow the conventional wisdom or preconceived opinions, be an independent and critical thinker without being excessively critical, continue updating knowledge, love the clash of ideas, love listening, love being wrong, love learning. and gain deep insight and develop empathy.

As we are the ones who are co-creating the world we live in, then it makes sense that when we are “mindful,” we not only see but also perceive; we not only live but also experience; we not only learn, but also create; we not only try to understand, but also intend to influence. Great perceivers will make an impact on others when they interact with the surrounding, and they can interpret things with accuracy and forward-thinking intelligence, reimagine and improve the world significantly.


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