Friday, September 17, 2021


Synchronization enables the organization to function like a living thing that is organic, holistic, energetic, responsive, coordinated, and consistent in the relationship with its environment.

In the face of “VUCA” business normality, the exponential growth of information and lightweight digital technology bring both abundant opportunities for business growth, and unprecedented risks to fail the business even overnight. 

Timing is everything. The high-responsive organization can synchronize their business at the multiple levels of the organization; it presupposes the ability of the entire chain with every connected entity to articulate their strategic intent, function collaboratively to create synergy and keep the business moving forward with the right speed.

Innovation synchronization: Nature is amazing: when one startling changes, information moves across the flock very quickly and with nearly no degradation. In essence, that's the beauty of synchronization. Innovation is the light every organization is pursuing, for reinventing business models, designing new products or services, or providing personalized solutions to delight customers. There are different factors that mainly drive the design, quality, or innovativeness of products/services under time pressure. Information is the most time intensive piece of innovation management. The power of information is to empower the business with real-time insight across the organization in ways never possible before for envisioning the future, capturing customer insight, enabling real-time decision-making for achieving innovation synchronization.

With fierce competition and more selective customers, organizations acquire the information-based analytics and synchronization abilities to reshape products, services, and customer engagement almost real time for gaining competitive advantage. So behind synchronization, it’s information technology and knowledge management synchronization. When businesses need information, it requires technological support to ensure its quality and consistency; when information is further refined into knowledge, it becomes an invaluable asset, allowing the multifaceted innovation management to synchronize innovation-relevant activities and transform the solution deliveries from functioning to delight.

Problem-solving synchronization: We are living in a complex world where interventions, developments, and conflicts are continuously changing and that makes it impossible to have a complete knowledge and understanding of many issues facing the business today. Running a business is about solving problems at either strategic or tactical level on a daily basis. The digital workforce today is hyper-connected and diverse in many ways, to share a natural affinity for new perspectives, fresh ideas, and collective insight. Collaboration is good, but it’s not an end in itself. The end is problem-solving and business harmony. Solving large-scale problems usually needs cross-functional communication, collaboration and organizational level synchronization. It starts to leverage powerful technology tools to boost social engagement, inspire creativity and mutual support, to create multiple pathways for information flow and collaborative problem-solving even in a synchronous manner.

There are no unsolvable problems, but there are complex problems that are those you cannot solve with given resources, knowledge and capabilities you have at your disposal at the time the problem arises; and there are temporary solutions that can fix some symptoms but you should always dig into the root causes and solve them radically sooner than later. In practice, the solution to breaking down silos is to apply bigger thinking, to implement integral solutions by crafting goal-driven processes synchronously and engaging in talented people almost real-time. Behind on-time, on-value problem-solving, the large-scale synchronized collaboration in the business ecosystem can be achieved via strategic agility and organizational structural flexibility. Companies need to ensure the policies and methodologies are adaptable, keep integrating their business processes, optimize organizational design and structure, and take advantage of powerful collaboration platforms and tools to solve problems in a synchronous way to accelerate business speed.

Strategy-execution synchronization: Nowadays, strategy is dynamic, and needs to be revised for adapting to changes. To enable real time strategy execution, it’s important to align critical components such as people, processes, and technology across the organizational functions synchronously to create synergies in making strategy for everyone's everyday job. Information is no doubt important, but more than that is complete awareness of what is happening in the context. Once you figure that out, you are able to classify the business elements and know their linkage. The strategy should be decomposed into segments that can be accomplished by executing tactics that achieve tasks. Strategy-execution synchronization can lead to the smooth alignment process of ensuring all organization actions are directed to achieving common strategic goals and objectives.

In the digital era, what the business needs is not just the faster speed, but a hyper-connected ecosystem with information-based communication/process synchronization and collaboration-driven relationship harmony. Information synchronization can catalyze the flow of the right information to the right people at the right time to coordinate and execute strategy, tactics, and risks. To implement business strategy in a synchronized manner requires organizational leaders to first understand their business and industry, and then evaluate the emergent trends based on the value or competitive advantage it brings to the business and the potential risks. Strategy management is more effective if made with the full involvement of people by breaking down communication barriers such as outdated processes, procedures, practices, or soft elements such as culture, leveraging feedback mechanisms, and creating multiple pathways to change synchronously.

Variety, complexity, diversification, hyperconnectivity, and interdependence, are the characteristics of the business ecosystem. Synchronization enables the organization to function like a living thing that is organic, holistic, energetic, responsive, coordinated, and consistent in the relationship with its environment. Through a variety of synchronization, organizations can establish more sustainable and transformational capabilities based on key dimensions such as scope, alignment, design, execution, governance, etc. The insight-driven business transformation can create synchronization of all functions running seamlessly, and presents the recognizable digital rhythm to keep the business moving forward stepwisely with the right pace.


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