Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Leadership now becomes more open and interdisciplinary, influential and innovative in order to deal with multithreaded changes and over complex problems.

We are experiencing the paradigm shift, nowadays organizations across the borders proactively look for opportunities to reinvent their businesses by both vertical permeation and horizontal expansion. It is imperative to understand that "leadership" needs to be re-imagined, explored, understood and embraced by harnessing cross-functional communication and real-time collaboration to create multiple pathways for digital flow and  embrace a hyperconnected and interdependent world. 

The substances of leadership are about vision, positive influence, and progression, then as an exemplary behavior. Oftentimes, the stereotypical perceptions or cookie-cutting matching approach more possibly lands a homogeneous follower, not discovering an authentic leader. Also, traditional talent pipeline is not sufficient enough to select heterogeneous, creative, and authentic leaders who can inspire via vision, rejuvenate passion, lead more effectively in today’s digital dynamic and global business setting

An authentic leader has the vision to advocate changes, bridge cognitive gaps, and make a vision reality: Leadership vision is based on authenticity. Becoming a leader is a process of becoming your true authentic self in all that you are today and "to be" in the future by continuous self-reflection and self-motivation. When you dig deeper in yourselves, the questions arise - Who are you? What makes you unique? What can you bring to the table? Where do your thoughts come from? Who do you intend to lead? Do you have a clearer vision, advanced mindset, in-depth domain knowledge, or creativity, and so on? When you get some answers to these questions and get reasonable clarity, the fountain of thought starts to flow, it helps you in identifying your intention to lead, competency to differentiate, and action to exemplify, etc.

Being authentic is about being yourself, practice independent thinking, convey a set of values you represent; share your viewpoints to practice leadership influence. In order to lead effectively, you need to investigate your unique leadership competency, your passion, defining your tasks,and things you want to do and do better than others, etc. The good intention of becoming a leader is to inspire and innovate, to improve and advance, to break down outdated rules or conventional wisdom; to facilitate great dialogues and encourage, it’s a tough journey. Because change is often an uncomfortable, yet necessary part of reaching the future and sustaining change impact.

An authentic global leader is an insightful change agent with global cognizance; an relentless innovator who can connect wider dots to drive global scope innovation:
We live in such a diverse world with high velocity, unpredictability, uncertainty, exponential growth, and fierce competitions. It’s a global ecosystem of stakeholders that is going to determine whether or not your organization can thrive. While there are many components of global leadership, one of the most important ones is the ability to envision, adapt, exemplify, and influence change. Irrespective of where you are from or your culture, as a global leader, you need to share your profound viewpoint about global leadership, culture/value perspective, convey your leadership philosophy, share the well-blended insight and foresight from a global lens, develop expertise, and build your global leadership profiles and reputation. Fundamental core values based on global leaders’ authenticity still resonate as supreme. Respect for one another by following the golden rules.

Global leaders articulate strategic visions, interactive designs, and navigating directions, identify necessary traits, set criteria and standards of becoming a global leader or professional. Being a “global” leader involves a personal intention to focus on leading changes at the global scope as the global balance of economic, culture, political, education, etc, power is shifting in a multipolar world. Thus, the global leaders need insight into the capabilities and expertise inherent in the talent they have now, more critically, they need the foresight to seek out the potential and capabilities they’ll need for the future development. Generally speaking, global leaders are specialized generalists with a unique set of global leadership competencies such as multicultural cognition and intelligence, visioning and communication, sound judgment, inclusiveness, talent recognition and empowerment, profound insight & domain expertise, etc. Because command and control style leadership is gradually out of steam, strong global leadership today is based on empathetic understanding, fresh knowledge, logical reasoning, persuasive communication, professional maturity, with continuous deliveries to deepen leadership influence.

Leadership is really a character and personal development for inspiring and leading progressive changes: Leaders are both natural and nurtured. First of all, leadership is a character; character sustains leaders about who you really are; then, you need to have vision, confidence and strategy to amplify leadership influence. It’s not a time-setting work, as you must continue to learn and improve upon the leadership competencies. The deeper you can think, the more significant the leadership influence could be. You can become an effective leader if you put constant effort to nourish human instincts that are innate such as curiosity, creativity, humility; you are able to identify and develop the next gen leaders based on their mindset and expertise, etc.

Leadership development is a strategic imperative, self discovery and personalized development and training are all crucial to explore leadership potential. Begin from the inside out and be completely honest about your talent, strength, fears, weaknesses. Do everything you can to build up your courage, wherewithal and confidence from the inside out. Leadership development is about change, leadership training approaches need to be vertical and developmental moving forward. To develop leaders, you have to let them lead, you can do all of the training you want to do, but if you don't let them get some practical experience at leading, they don't get to apply what they learned. Great leadership is based on a right mix of philosophical discipline and innovative practice; substance and style, character and charisma.

Leadership is complex and situational and there are numerous variables that need to be weighed in assessing leadership effectiveness. Leadership now becomes more open and interdisciplinary, influential and innovative in order to deal with multithreaded changes and over complex problems. Leaders of the future sense, feel, read, imagine and intuit possibilities in the breakdowns, competitive intelligence, and conversational moods; they need to keep recharging energy; realign their purpose with the role they play to make influence and lead organizations and societies to the higher level of maturity.


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