Friday, May 13, 2022


As strategy guides and touches all aspects of the organization, identify both execution blind spots and capability gaps.

Digitalization represents the next stage of business maturity which will improve how the enterprise works and interacts with its ecosystem, with people at the center of its focus. If business vision is more art than science, then strategy execution to reach such vision is more science than art, successful execution of a good strategy is based on how to bridge the variety of gaps from mindset to capability, make an ongoing adjustment, communicate, clarify, experiment and takes systematic approach to strategy implementation and adaptation. The high-level categories of key leverage points in strategy management include.....

Change in business priorities: With blurred functional, organizational or even industrial borders, business leaders and managers need to work across-lines, forecast emerging trends. They don't set priorities in vacuums. Rather, they'll use the enterprise's strategy and business objectives to determine which capabilities are needed to enable the business to achieve high performance results; to find solutions that can benefit the entire business and build any ROI required to justify the business case.

There is no way to create a definitive prioritized list without more business context. Technically, it might be a good idea to first split problems into different categories and to assess the relative importance of the different categories and what could be done about it. Identifying what generates the most value for the company and expressing that in strategic objectives help managers keep their eyes on what matters, and motivate people to accelerate changes.

Ability to show incremental progress, with a few leapfrogs: To explore the art of possibility and accelerate the progressive change, don’t always take a shortcut or control the behavior, it’s crucial to clarify the vision of changes, shape a progressive mindset, show incremental progress. When an organization develops a progressive culture, people feel supported and confident, they will be developed and valued, more likely to be open, learn, grow and make continuous improvement; contribute meaningfully for a period of time before they are ready to move to the next level of accomplishment. If we could come to some agreement on our collective purpose, our goal, our direction, then we can view progressive change from the perspective of accomplishing a well-defined goal in a large scope, making improvement and fulfilling corporate purpose.

Compared to incremental improvement, the transformative change often requires changing underlying beliefs, culture, or conventional wisdom, etc. The leapfrog progress can be made via deprogramming old mindsets, letting go of "the voices from the past," reprogramming the collective thinking with new perspectives, norms, and attitudes; to rejuvenate the environments in which we live, and the way we view the world, make continuous improvement.

Ability to scale effectively: Digital means the increasing speed of changes, customer-centricity, hyper-connectivity, and always-on business dynamic. The real challenge is to understand where and how you can and should improve to get the biggest effect and scale up across the digital ecosystem. To scale up, organizations must begin thinking about ways with strategic planning to explore new revenue streams which become more responsive and flexible. Look for providing business solutions which will directly benefit the external end customers and improve business competency.

To scale up, organizations must begin thinking about ways with strategic planning to broaden their ecosystems and revenue streams which become more responsive and flexible. Where do ROI and TCO calculations fit in? Scale capacity quickly up or down, and cost-effectively. Explore the always on, always connected digital working environment, expand your workforce to any location; show a desire for a "new" delivery model by the business and dissatisfaction with the status quo; identify the critical spot to scale up, and leverage the framework approach to reach the next level of business growth.

Key dependencies on modernization, integration, optimization: Capabilities may include dependencies, one is part of another or depends on another. The strong capability mapping includes capability dependency identification, to ensure seamless capability integration and portfolio coherence. The top managers need to have a holistic perspective and ability; deal with organizational requirement dependency relationship interdependence carefully in order to solve problems cohesively. An effective integration provides a focus for managing an integration relevant business initiatives and applications in a structural way.

Many traditional departments faced serious application sprawl and a growing backlog of out-of-date and often unsupported applications. The management needs to make a commitment to modernizing or consolidating, integrating & optimizing. Modernization is an important step-stone for reaching the goal of going digital. Integration, regardless if it is information technology integration, operations integration, idea/innovation integration, talent integration, governance, risk management integration or customer-centric integration, it has to be done with a “big picture” and improve organizational maturity.

Improve organizational capabilities maturity:
Capabilities typically require a combination of organization, people, processes, resources, and technology to achieve. The maturity of a business capability would be based on how well the business capability to deliver on customer needs or to achieve the desired capability outcome. A set of business capabilities directly decide the overall organization’s competency, and how well they can execute strategy, deliver the value to the customers and build long term winning position.

A business capability maturity should be measured by how well it builds the competitive business advantage to shape a people-centric organization. Capability maturity evaluation includes analyzing capability gaps in the context of future need, capability dependency or business capability reliance on technology capability, investment calculation, etc, to ensure that strategic goals can be accomplished quickly and consistently to reach high-level business maturity.

In today's digital dynamic or unstable business circumstances, the evidence points to strategy emerging rather than being prescribed. As strategy guides and touches all aspects of the organization, identify both execution blind spots and capability gaps. The implementation will never be simple, but you can streamline the implementation scenario with a good alignment of people, process, and technology, and apply the best fit methodologies that simplify the strategy implementation to achieve high performance results.


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