Wednesday, May 18, 2022


Capability developed based on character and natural talent make people feel more confident and effortless.

Rapid changes, fierce competitions, and frequent disruptions are the new normal. To survive in today’s “VUCA” new normal with the mixed bag of exponential growth of information and outdated knowledge, it takes the immense amount of time and hard work that most "naturally talented" people have committed to developing their talents, build differentiated and sophisticated professional capabilities which is based on deep expertise, transdisciplinary knowledge, cross-boundary experience, business acumen, cultural cognition, and leadership skills.

Capability bridges between where you are and where you want to be: People are the most invaluable asset in any business. They are not just cost or even resources, but the human capital worth investing in a smart way. One of the most critical responsibilities of people management is to develop people and use people’s talent in the right way. Even though the raw talent is innate, it takes the immense amount of time and hard work that "naturally talented" people have committed to developing their talents. Digital professionalism in itself is a constant learning process that requires talented people to build competency and share insight to overcome common challenges.

To truly build professional competencies, use the profiles and assess capability portfolios, to identify where the gaps in performance lie, what kind of potentiality can be unlocked to accelerate future performance, and build people’s professional competencies such as creativity, changeability, or influence power, etc, to drive transformative changes.

Development, enhancement, and coaching: People need to keep exploring their talent, broadening their relevant skills and deepening their expertise; organizations should align their talent development planning with the long term strategy. Employee development plans should be done with employees and not against them. It should also be clear how the company will invest in developing their human capital since the organization will benefit significantly; talent management needs to be enhanced to catch the pace of the ever-evolving dynamic strategy.

“Development, enhancement, and coaching" implies a better mindset, capturing both the individual's and the organizational development needs, taking logical steps to achieve well-defined goals and reaching the next level of the growth cycle. Unless the behavioral context is set in a manner that shifts employee’s mindset from "evaluation" to "opportunity"; from “static to growth”; all the high-level strategies in the world will not produce the "concrete results" you seek. It means it’s critical to ensure that sustainable and relevant skills benefit the employees as well as the company they work for. The coach/mentor style of management can show the team how to explore their own natural skill sets, talents, and strong sides, taking into account their own objectives in line with working needs to amplify collective performance.

Building capabilities becomes a constant process irrespective of the economic conditions, to improve professional competency:
Every professional has their own journey of growth professionally based on their own perception, talent, life experience, training, and refinement. Developing core competencies is important to make alignment with the purpose you need to fulfill and the goals you need to accomplish, describing what each competency is and how it relates to the expectation of the role you would like to play. Professionals become more fluent, intuitive and productive in what they are doing, and they are more confident to connect wider dots, explore adjacent knowledge domains, integrate seemingly irrelevant, but in fact necessary capabilities or expertise to solve problems innovatively.

Competency is a combination of capabilities with a focus. Each of these same capabilities may be combined in different fashions to yield multiple competencies. Competency building requires character, determination, persistence, discipline, dedication and practice in the present and a continuum. It involves a state of the mind often at the edge of things and being able to expand the boundaries of knowledge or sharpen nonlinear skills to move up to the next level of professional competency.

We experience all kinds of situations good and bad in our lives that require moral courage to deal with. Capability developed based on character and natural talent make people feel more confident and effortless. Practically, professional competency development and maturity requires vision, determination, persistence, discipline, dedication and practice in the present and a continuum. It’s an imperative for high professionals to keep integrating existing capabilities into more sophisticated capabilities for solving complex problems and making high accomplishments.


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