Friday, November 18, 2022


Agile approaches require evolution within organizations, especially in regard to governance.

Due to rapid change and frequent disruptions, organizations across industrial sectors have to keep reinventing themselves. An agile organization is the one that is open to change and can adapt readily when change is needed. An organization that can adopt a culture of learning and innovation via flatter structure and removing barriers of communication is on the right track to be an agile organization. Agile success can improve the entire business competencies and maturity because they can do things quicker and better, encourage interaction, improvement and innovation.

Agile is a mindset that drives strategic and tactical decisions to achieve goals with a set of agile guidelines: Agility is the ability of an organization to sense opportunity or threat, prioritize its potential responses, and act smartly. Agile is not a destination, it is a mindset. Therefore, you must shift your team's mindset first, gear them properly towards continuous process improvement. Agility is a function of organizational culture- collective mindset & attitude, more than organizational practices. It is the mind shift and culture evolution.

The challenge and direction now are to bring agility holistically to the entire business. It's a journey for any company looking to digital transformation radically. More specifically, Agile means to delight customers with interactive communication, incremental improvement, optimized service, experience, and speed. Going agile is the ongoing capability development journey to enchant employees with open leadership & communication, a set of effective philosophy, methodology and technology.

Agile software development implies concurrent design and concurrent engineering: Software development is an engineering discipline. From the IT lens, agile is a set of principles and methods for software development and engineering management by focusing on interaction, incrementalism, and improvement. The process is very important in any engineering discipline. The high-performing agile team can communicate, collaborate cross-functionally, agile is enabling change and speed. Agile does require more professional maturity or aspects like raising issues and solving them timely when appropriate and arriving at a great design as code matures.

Agile enables scalability and resilience. The unnecessary failures are perhaps caused by misunderstanding Agile or bad management practice. Scalable agile is an agile software development process that refers to the ability to manage large business initiatives with multiple teams, or the collaboration between multiple agile teams for improving business initiative portfolio effectiveness and reusability.

Agile business process management focuses on human centric process optimization, intelligence or innovation:
Agile business processes management is about effectiveness: which needs a holistic view of business and cross-silo data and processes, to bring up the outside-in customer perspective, with potential to build up competitive business models and processes, even create new revenue streams and unleashing the corporate potential.

Agile and process are the two sides of the same seesaw. How many processes you'll need depends on your people and culture. Overly rigid processes are seen as a roadblock to innovation or progress rather than a facilitator of it. If there’s too much process and you'll suffocate Agile and inhibit performance results; if there is too little process and you'll risk chaos. The perfect match is different in each environment. Teams should be able to mix and match diverse ideas and varying practices from various different processes to create value driven effective ways of working and performing.

It’s important for “being agile” rather than just “doing agile” to reach the next level of organizational maturity: Doing agile is a set of activities; but being agile is the state of mindsets. All Agile methodologies define a set of best practices, but true agility is much more than the practices defined in a given methodology. In practice, every executive or senior manager wants to think that his or her people are "agile." The sticking point in agile adoption and transformation usually lies in middle management, with bureaucracies.

There are different levels of agile maturity. At macro level, it is about being agile and doing the right things. At a high mature level, agility involves the whole ecosystem, including all the stakeholders, from the customers to employees, to partnership. This means that actually becoming agile is a long-term venture with many concerns pertaining to the management of change. A high-mature organization not only discovers the business purpose but also helps their employees discover the purpose of unleashing the talent potential.
Agile and the information economy are working hand-in-hand to challenge the very understanding of how to run a business, not just "how to write software.” Agile has emerged as a major philosophy and methodology to improve business maturity. Agile should be about how to ensure building the right product and portfolio on value, on time and on a budget. Still, there are many roadblocks on the way, and there are a lot of challenges that need to be overcome. Agile approaches require evolution within organizations, especially in regard to governance. It’s important to follow a set of agile principles for running a business with customer-centricity, and business agility is the upper-level characteristic of organization maturity.


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