For global citizens who live in today's knowledge economy, the good time comes if you are a relentless learner, a persuasive communicator, a knowledge expert or an advanced influencer.
Influence is made via envisioning, inspiring, bridging, encouraging others toward your vision by communicating in depth and breadth: Leadership is an influence, insight and inspiration are mutually reinforced with each other to deepen leadership influence. Inspirational leaders or professionals make an influence by connecting the mind or touching the heart. We are at the most creative status when we get inspired, inspiration is a feeling that is more transient; it awakens us to new possibilities by allowing us to transcend the ordinary experiences, personal limitations to something bigger, exciting, more purposeful. To make a positive influence is to overcome psychological vulnerability, instill optimistic energy, share thoughts and exemplify attitude and behavior.
In order to influence others in a constructive way, people present differentiated competency, build solid character that displays high levels of ethics, responsibility, integrity, and empathy. When people can't formulate their insight with accuracy and they can't communicate that insight effectively and objectively, they often lack the power of influence. Everyone has a voice and every voice carries weight. There are things you can do to increase the likelihood of inspiration occurring. From a leadership perspective, influence can be used to define a good leader who has a vision and influence to motivate a team of people moving forward step-wisely.
Influence is made via asserting, to present ideas via confidence, persuasion and expertise: Every profession and role has its unique influence in the world, influence and persuasion are so closely linked they are probably the same thing. Being persuasive is an important professional quality based on the courage to influence, confidence to assert, knowledge to understand, communication to build trust, wisdom to negotiate. It is important to identify and close the gap between knowledge and insight in order to make long-lasting influence. To be persuasive means to be able to shape other people's views or opinions towards one's own views or perspectives. It allows digital leaders and professionals to pursue their vision, influence others, and apply their skills and expertise to their greatest effect.
With high velocity and hyperconnectivity, people and organizations are becoming more interdependent with each other. Influence is made via negotiating & exchanging, to get others’ see your point of view, make tradeoffs, enforce trust, harness changes, etc. To reach the state of knowledge proficiency and practice expert power to amplify influence, it’s important to build professional competency that requires character, determination, persistence, discipline, dedication and practice in the present and a continuum.
Influence is made via rationalizing, logic and reasoning; data and statistics: With exponential growth of information and abundant knowledge, influence should be made via logic and reasoning; data and statistics; make influence via information based communication. One of the important digital mantras to foster communication is that “let the data do the talking,” to advocate fact-based communication. Build rapport, motivate and inspire others, provide effective feedback, present your ideas or vision via quality information, statistics, and strong logic, persuasively.
The insightful leaders have the ability to influence peers as they undertake a broad range of crucial decisions involving the issues such as strategy, branding, finance, talent management, etc. They should understand how to influence via cognitive intelligence, positive psychology, empathetic communication, etc. They have the ability to reflect, become both creative and critical in enforcing cross boundary communication & collaboration.
For global citizens who live in today's knowledge economy, the good time comes if you are a relentless learner, a persuasive communicator, a knowledge expert or an advanced influencer; the worst time comes if you dislike the change or learning, lack of good judgment, only get lost in the information ocean with a lot of struggling. Keep envisioning, learning, attempting to make influence by uniting or connecting with others, be mindful and get things done in a harmonized way.
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